Voltron: Legendary Defender, Volume 1 was such a joy to read! I absolutely loved everything about it!
When I saw this graphic novel in the store, I let out an involuntary cheer and immediately began to tear up out of excitement. Ridiculous? Absolutely. But I just could not contain my excitement. I mean… I even took a selfie with the book as soon as I got to my car and immediately sent it to my boyfriend.

My Thoughts on Voltron: Legendary Defender, Volume 1 by Tim Hedrick, Mitch Iverson, & Digital Art Chefs
I loved the artwork and the characters. I thought the storyline was simple, but also fast paced and action packed!
I loved that in situations where various characters are speaking within one panel, that we either see their faces in little circles, or the word bubble is colored to match their lions.
I also loved that the narration in two chapters took on an appearance that related to the specific character. So in one chapter, which was from Lance’s point of view, there was an old English theme. Then in the chapter from Pidge’s point of view, there was a computer coding theme. I thought this was a very nice touch!
The dialogue was perfect and so, so, so funny!
My Favorite Passage from Voltron: Legendary Defender, Volume 1
“Well Lance hoped Planet Krell was hungry, because it was about to get served a Lance knuckle sandwich with a side of slap sauce.”
My Final Thoughts on Voltron: Legendary Defender, Volume 1
I loved this so much. I cannot wait for another edition!
Snag a copy using my Amazon Affiliate link or inquire at your local indie:
Pidge is my favorite! I will be checking this out very soon 🙂
Enjoy!! It's such a fun read!