WELCOME to my very first FLYTIP post! I’m a bit late to the game, but here we are!
FLYTIP is an original feature hosted by FLYLēF. The purpose is to share blog design graphics and advice, as well as encourage related discussions.
The topic for Saturday, June 10th 2017, is:
FLYTIP: Quotable Quotes || Pick a favorite book quote. Either by hand-drawn or computer, turn it into art. Save it. Share it.
I have a few favorites that I would love to share!
I made each of these on canva.com using some of the available templates but then adjusting a bit to give them a unique touch. Then I added my logo using photoshop.
Thanks for reading!
If you participate in this FLYTIP, I would love to see your post! Feel free to leave your link, or just a quote that you love, in the comments section below.
This looks like loads of fun. My favorite quotes: “When life gives you squirrels, your bound to be a little nuts!” ― Brenda Lochinger and “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates' loot on Treasure Island and best of all, you can enjoy these riches every day of your life.”- Walt Disney
Ha! I LOVE that squirrel quote!
Hi Erica! I'm so happy that you've joined. =) I haven't heard of any of these quotes, and I love them all–Neil Gaiman's in particular. ~Lonna @ FLYLēF
Thanks so much for hosting! This is such a great idea!
Nice quotes. Especially the last one. I have found so many people to talk to about books, finally. On Goodreads and while Blogging. Yay!
Wahoo!! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
Oh these are lovely. I love what you've done with these quotes and graphics. I love the final quote you shared, it's exactly how I feel about my favorite titles.
Thank you! 🙂
Neil Gaiman is so quotable. 🙂
Beautiful quotes!
Thank you! 🙂