Feel Me Fall by James Morris is an absolutely incredible YA mystery/thriller that is filled to the brim with suspense!
Warning: Once you pick this one up, you won’t be able to put it down!
This was another book that I lost sleep over simply because I had forced myself to put the book down to go to sleep, and couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book by the author in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my rating in any way.
My Thoughts on Feel Me Fall by James Morris
Oh my goodness. Where to start with this book?! I just want to shout, “IT IS INCREDIBLE” over and over again!!
To preserve the thrill of reading this for yourself, I will keep my review a bit brief.
So first of all, I have to say that I absolutely loved the way this book was organized! The timeline moves between current day and the past, but in the past we see various glimpses of the characters before the trip, on the plane, and in the jungle. There weren’t always clear chapter or line breaks that indicated the switch between timelines, instead they flowed seamlessly from one to the next.
When this happens, I usually find myself drawn more toward one of the timelines over the others. But that simply wasn’t the case here. Each timeline was interesting in its own way, and the way each bit helped us learn more about the characters was wonderful.
And the characters! They were all so well developed and complex! At the very beginning they all kind of blended together, as we just knew names. But once we spent more time with them, they all seemed so realistic.
Another of my favorite features of this book was the end of many chapters, when the author would add just one line that totally threw me off! I would be reading right along, thinking things are ending on a good note and then BAM! Twist!
For example:
I’m just being paranoid, I thought.
Turns out I wasn’t paranoid enough.
The overall writing style and organization of the storyline was so prominent and clever! This is definitely an author that I need to keep an eye on!
My Favorite Passages from Feel Me Fall
I have tried so hard to forget, but memory is a stubborn thing. Memories linger no matter what I do. They’re there all the time – and worse. Even my dreams aren’t safe. I have vicious nightmares, and they’re real – too real – and suddenly I’m back there. I can’t will them away, I can’t squeeze them away, and the more I try the more they burrow in my head. I want to cut open my skull and dig my fingers into my brain and just pull them out.
Entering the rain forest was like passing through a green curtain into a massive haunted room. It was as claustrophobic as I feared. We could only see a few feet in front of us, like a bank of fog, except it was trees and vines: trees that soared well into the sky, vines that grew at impossible angles and thick waxy leaves the blotted out the sun.
No, I didn’t spit in her food. That’s gross. But I did wipe her bun on the bottom of my shoe.
I walked away, feeling his eyes on me and I felt… connected somehow. As if I just met the missing piece of the puzzle that was me.
The rain pelted us, each drop a tiny bullet.
I always felt prom was one of those overrated high school conventions that people put too much importance on, like New Year’s Eve parties with all the pressure to have the best time ever and were inevitably a disappointment. The best times came from the unexpected, the unplanned.
Hope it didn’t come easy. It had to be continuously created and called upon or it would disappear as soon as something else took its place…
My Final Thoughts on Feel Me Fall
I REALLY enjoyed this book; it’s the perfect blend of suspense and mystery! I would highly recommend to anyone that enjoys any of the following genres: adventure, survival, thriller, suspense, mystery.
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Thanks for reading!
What is your favorite survival themed book?
So glad you loved it! I've had wonderful luck with this author – Melophobia is also great!
I've added all of his books to my TBR list! ha! I'll make sure Melophobia gets bumped higher though! 🙂 Thanks for the recommendation!
Great review =)
Thank you! 🙂
So happy you absolutely adored this one! I usually find myself liking some characters more than others so I find it very unique that you were so invested in all of their storylines.
For sure!! I am the same way. It really bums me out when I like one POV more than the others; that can totally ruin my overall thoughts of a book with varying perspectives!