2019 just flew by!
I’m so glad that I started the draft of this post back in January… I can’t believe how long ago some of these items seem already!
Let’s dive in!
My Highlights of 2019
January 2019
I had the amazing opportunity to meet Katherine Arden at Gibson’s Books on her book tour for The Winter of the Witch with my book club!

One of my quotes was included in the Flying Broomsticks and Buns book trailer!

February 2019
I finally made the switch to WordPress and I was thrilled with the results!

I was included in the Special Thanks area for Our Final Halloween!

I was given the amazing opportunity to be the first to post my review for Tony Moyle’s The End of the World is Nigh!

I hosted an interview with Glendy Vanderah, author of Where the Forest Meets the Stars. Check out the interview here!

March 2019
In March I had the amazing opportunity to meet Diane Les Becquets, author of The Last Woman in the Forest and Breaking Wild at Gibson’s Bookstore in Concord, NH.
May 2019
In May I had the opportunity to interview the amazing L.M. Schukraft! Check out the interview here.

June 2019
In June I interviewed one of my favorite horror authors, Kevin J. Kennedy! Check out the interview here.

I also announced my new role as Plum Deluxe Tea Ambassador!
July 2019
In July, I got to host an interview with Blogger, Lauren Becker. Check it out here!

August 2019
In August, I read and reviewed the novella, They Come At Night by Nick Clausen. Shortly afterward, I received an email from Nick, which kicked off a wonderful conversation that we had over the next few weeks!

Shortly after this original conversation, Nick continued to send me other novellas of his work and I cruised right through them!
I’m also pumped to say that I got a seat on Nick Clausen’s review team!! I cannot wait to see what he writes next!
September 2019

In September, I posted a review for an anthology that I read, 100 Word Horrors, Part 3. The number of comments, messages, emails, and tweets that I got from the writers after this went live was astounding! I was sent so many kind words. Thank you all! <3
Here are a few:
- “A writer lives and dies on the opinions of his readers. Thanks for the oxygen.” – Dean King
- “Another great review for 100 Word Horrors book 3, where Erica gives a rating of every single story. :)” – Kevin J Kennedy
- “Thanks for the thoughtful review! My son is Julian Guignard, and just turned 11. He wrote the story, “Dog Lover Doom” in this anthology, and he was jumping up and down in excitement that you’d given him 5 stars for it (i.e. rating higher than my own story, haha)!” – Eric J. Guignard
- “A review of my drabble contribution to KJK Publishing’s “100 WORD HORRORS 3″ by Erica Robyn Reads. One word is all I need, baby! And it’s a GREAT one! <3 Thank you, Erica. You made my night!” – Zoey Xolton
- “Big thanks to @ericarobyn for her great review and very kind words. Thanks Erica!” – Robin Braid
October 2019
In October, I had the wonderful opportunity to attend an event with Joe Hill and Stephen King! It was AMAZING. Check out my post about the event here!

Also in October… Something that I think is really cool happened!! Books In The Freezer Podcast included my clip on their episode talking about top Stephen King books as voted on by their listeners! Give the episode a listen here!
December 2019
In December, I received a wonderful email from Sarah Miniaci of Smith Publicity, Inc. offering me the chance to peek through their catalog for books I’d be interested in reviewing. I’m not sure how I ended up on her list, but I’m so grateful that I did!

I was also sent my very first book catalog!

Other Items:
I continued to be part of the Advanced Reader Teams for Tony Moyle, T.L. Branson, and Nick Clausen! I also continued to make my way through Kevin K. Kennedy’s work; just one more book to go before I believe I’m all caught up!! I’m so very grateful for being given the opportunity to read each of these authors works early!
One last thing- I read SIXTY-NINE books that I rated five stars. How amazing?! I’m so grateful that I was able to read this many books that totally knocked my socks off. Here’s to hoping to match that in 2020!
Thanks for reading!
I’d love to hear about your 2019 highlights! Feel free to leave a comment below.
You had a fab 2019! I got to work with a Horror Writers Association mentor in 2019. I learned a lot, and it was a wonderful, encouraging experience.
What an awesome year! You worked toward/earned so many bookish opportunities last year, and connecting with those authors must have felt pretty rewarding. Oh gosh, and going to an event with both Stephan King AND Joe Hill– so cool!
<3 Right?! I'm so grateful that I was able to accomplish so much. And the event with Joe Hill and Stephen King....my god. I thought I was going to pass out. I was SO excited!
It could be fatal for space in my bedroom if I was offered those catalogues and lists but I am kind of jealous! There is going to be a lot of horror on my blog this year as it is! I’m very excited about this year’s reading options that I just want to scream!
hahaha I hear ya!! I’m sure I’ll run into trouble very quickly… My horror shelf is already almost full!
So many amazing bookish highlights! Here’s to many more in 2020!
Thank you! <3
This is a great idea, Erica. And I like that you started this post ahead of time. Something to think about trying myself! It looks like you had a great year overall. I hope your 2020 is just as event-filled and fun.
<3 I would love to see your highlights post if you do start creating one! It's so much fun to look back on all of these things! :)
It sounds like you had an awesome bookish year, and I love that a bunch of the authors from the anthology reached out to you. That’s really sweet. And thanks for helping me celebrate 12 years of blogging!
<3 <3
It was quite a year! I hope 2020 is just as great!
So many great highlights from your year!! I hope 2020 is just as impressive!! 🙂
Thank you! <3