Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop question, Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews asked:
How many books did you read last year? Will your goal be to match that number or surpass it?

Last year my goal was to read 100 books and I surpassed that! I actually read 123 books in 2018.
My goal for this year is to read 100 books, but we’ll see how it goes! I have quite a few 700+ books on my TBR this year!
Thanks for reading!
Did you set a number of books you want to read this year?
Last year I set a goal of 100, not knowing what the year would be like, and ended up reading 150! This year I'm sticking with a goal of 100 again.
Dang!! That's awesome!! I hope you reach your goal! 🙂
I read 101 books last year. My goal is 90 his year because I want to read a few larger books as well. Good luck with your goal!
Thank you! Good luck with your goal as well!
One hundred is a hefty number…great job!!
I chose my normal 50 books.
ENJOY your weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog and for putting the question on Twitter. 🙂
😀 Of course! Thanks for stopping by here as well 🙂
700 books in your TBR?! Dang!! At least 100 is worthy of making that a goal. Good luck! 🙂
I think the really long books will bite me this year! I have 7 over 600 pages that are definitely getting read, one of which is over 1000! But my first book of the tear was a 27pg kids book so… Perspective. 😂
Good luck with your goal!
hahahaha I read a lot of kids books too. It'll all balance out 🙂
You did great with reading last year. My goal count is the same as yours this year. I hope we will both be able to reach it! 700+ on your TBR… so many books to choose from 😉
My recent post: https://oliviascatastrophe.com/2019/01/the-upside-of-unrequited-book-review-giveaway/
Great job! I didn't make my goal last year but I have hopes for this year!
Whoa, 123 books read last year?! That is awesome! My goal is 72 and I am a little nervous about whether or not I will achieve it ha ha.
We NEED to buddy read more in 2019!! I miss it so much!! 😀 <3
<3 Me too!!!
Over 700 books on your TBR? Oh my goodness, that's so much. I hope you meet your goal this year and that you pick up some real good ones.
Well done on 2018 and good luck for your 2019 goal!
Thank you! <3
Good luck meeting your goal! I set mine at 60 just to take the pressure off. 🙂
It was about 157 books I read last year but at least thirty were short stories and there were novellas in there too. I was disappointed by my total and I'm going for 200 this year!
Good luck!! <3
Wow that is a lot of TBR books. I have anxiety reading that lol. Good luck on your goal!
🙂 Thank you!
Yay for passing your goal last year. 100 is a great goal 🙂 Happy reading!
You did it last year, I have faith in you to do it again! I set my goal to one, same as last year, because I decided I don't like being pressured with numbers. It works for me!
Fingers crossed! 🙂 And good call! Good luck with your goal.
Wow, I didn't even read a third of that! I need to step up!!!!
I read a lot of novellas and comics, so my numbers are a bit deceptive! 🙂
Wow, that's some TBR List. I constantly go through my list and delete books. If I look at the title and cannot remember why I wanted to read it, I delete it.
😀 I need to do a clean out soon! I follow the same process.
Fantastic!!! I set a goal of 100 again this year. Hopefully I'll surpass it.
That's awesome!! Good luck! 🙂