Hey all!
I have a personal favor to ask this morning. If you feel comfortable with it, could you help me spread the word about the GoFundMe Campaign that my family created for my mom? Just sharing it to your social media accounts can help us out immensely!
Here’s the URL: https://www.gofundme.com/f/our-christmas-wish-for-apryl
The campaign is called “Our Christmas Wish For Apryl.” We’re trying to hit our goal by Christmas to give my mom the gift of paying down her insane medical bills (of course she owes much more than 10K, thanks to the US medical insurance system…), and just getting the word out is greatly appreciated.
Here’s some more info:
From the heart surgeries to getting hit by a car in a crosswalk and everything in-between, it seems that our mom just can’t catch a break. But even so, she’s managed to keep things positive. For Christmas this year, we’re asking for some help cutting back on her medical bills. After all, we all know how insane medical bills can be.
Apryl Jenner is a stubborn and proud person. The last thing she would ever be comfortable doing is asking for help with money. But taking this journey with an ‘ask for forgiveness, not permission’ mindset (sorry Mom!), we’re reaching out for some help for her.
Now, I don’t want to go and air all of my mom’s personal business over the internet, so I’ll keep this short and sweet.
Medical bills suck. Especially when your doctors don’t believe you.
The last couple of years have been absolutely brutal for our mom. It’s been a case of surgery after surgery and various trips to the ER. But not only that, there have been dozens of trips to various doctors that kept turning her away, telling her that things that she was going through were “nothing major.” Like the time she was having severe chest pains that would make her throw up? They said it was nothing, just a little anxiety… She finally had a doctor believe her after she failed a stress test. Turns out the arteries in her heart were 98% and 99% blocked. Thank goodness for that stubborn streak! But I digress…
Let’s give our mom the gift of a less stressful Christmas.
Thank you all so much for reading this and thank you in advance for any donation, as every bit helps.
Have a wonderful holiday season!
I’m so sorry to hear all that your mom has gone through and shared on my Twitter feed. I hope she’s doing well and continues to avoid any further terrible life events.
Thank you so much for sharing! <3 And fingers crossed!!
That’s horrible about all your mom has gone through and the doctors that were no help!! I hope you raise the money you need I shared to Twitter!
Thank you <3
I’m so sorry your family is going through this. I plan on linking this in my Tuesday TTT post. You’re so lovely to do this for your Mom!
Yeah, it’s not a fun time for her. We’re just counting down the days to her next surgery. Then she’d better get plenty of good luck and rest, she certainly deserves it! And oh thank you so much! Sharing helps so much. You never know who can drop by and donate $5! Every little bit helps <3