Jon O’Bergh. You may recognize that name as the author of the super fun book, Shockadelica. But did you know Jon also creates music?!
Just in time for spooky season, 13 Witches by Jon O’Bergh is an album you’ll want on your radar!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on 13 Witches by Jon O’Bergh
This album was written about thirteen famous witches from history and legend. Looking at the track list, I was embarrassed to only have recognized a few (scroll to the bottom of this post to see the track list and even hit play to listen while you read!). And down the rabbit hole I went! I just had to know more about these women.
I really enjoyed reading up on each character while listening to the song. Jon has really worked some magic here putting the lore of each woman to music! Each one fit so perfectly with their story!
Starting off with a track titled Isis, this mellow and yet upbeat track will certainly get the attention of listeners! The little five note scale that repeated through most of the song really stuck out to me and just fit when looking at a sculpture of Isis.
The second track, Circe, is a bit more mellow than the first but still carries a lovely and a slightly eerie vibe. While the piano was strong here, the background sounds were what struck me most when reading up on this woman and comparing her to the song.
The Witch of Endor continues on with a creepy vibe. The echo used here is really haunting and works in such amazing combination with the light and airy piano.
I read up on Medea before listening to this track. Learning more about her story, I was anticipating something light and airy sounding from the song, and we got just that at the beginning! Then things take a turn, just like her story did. The ending… Wonderful! What a perfect track!
Morgan Le Fay is a track that is exactly what you would imagine with a character that was said to be one of the fay beings. The little triangle notes here and there stuck out to me most here.
Tituba was one of the names that I recognized. I loved the underlying sounds of this one. I also really appreciated that the piano seemed to be played more firmly here than in previous songs, which fits amazingly knowing her story and how strong she stood in her beliefs and her truth.
Aradia is a track that has a strong journey. I mean, they all do, but this one especially. It’s like she began in one place, then moved to another that was totally different from where she had come from, then we loop back to where she was at the start.
Marie Laveau is a track that immediately reminded me of one of my friends. While reading up on this woman, I saw this passage: “Laveau was said to have traveled the streets like she owned them.” That is exactly the feeling! Strong and owns who she is; that’s the thing I admire in the friend this one reminds me of! How weird to initially get that impression!
Wow, wow, wow… La Voisin. Please go read up on this woman and listen to this one. If you only chose one song to give a go, let it be this one.
Baba Yaga, another name I recognized! And I lied… if there are TWO that you listen to, please also give this one a go! This one is upbeat but also so creepy! Some of the additional sounds mixed in here paired with the deeper piano notes… Wonderful!
Hecate, wow! This was a beautiful one. This one had a more mature vibe to it than the others. Almost like if all of these women were in a room, she would be the one getting them to settle down.
Takiyasha was a more playful-sounding track at the start before it goes a bit more mournful. But then it goes right back to the playful. The more I listened though, the more this playful bit sounded more spooky.
Holda was such a fun last track! It has a chilly atmosphere to it that is haunting and sure to get stuck in listeners heads!
My Final Thoughts on 13 Witches
Phew, I went on a JOURNEY with this one. I cannot recommend this highly enough. This album was so unlike anything I typically listen to, and I’m so very glad that I was able to give it a listen (a few times already!). I’ve bookmarked the album on Spotify so I can listen to it again and again.
The entire album has such a wonderful vibe to it. It’s something that I could see writers putting on while working on their latest WIP. It could play in the background at your next dinner party with friends or family. It would also be killer on a coffee house playlist as well!
If I had to choose favorites, I would select Medea, Tituba, La Voisin, Baba Yaga, and Holda. But I really enjoyed each track! They were all so unique and atmospheric.
But don’t just take my word for it, give this album a listen by hitting play below!
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