Bone Saw Serenade by Cody J. Thompson is a dark and twisted crime thriller filled with coffee dates, reminiscing, and terror all orchestrated by an absolutely unhinged character hiding in plain sight.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Bone Saw Serenade by Cody J. Thompson –
After running into an old high school friend one day while at a coffee shop, Emma knows exactly who to call when her husband, Eddie, goes missing. Her old friend is named Charlie and he immediately steps in to be her night in shining armor.
While Emma tries to process the situation while keeping up with the house and her daughter, Charlie lends a shoulder to cry on, brings takeout, and tries to be her protector. Meanwhile, two detectives, Angus and Frank, are desperate to find Eddie.
This story kicks off with a terrifying scene before taking a step back and slowly dialing up the unease.
The slow-burn molders like kindling just waiting for more fuel. Here and there, the author tosses on another piece, but that burns down quickly. But a bit after the halfway point, the author begins to pile logs on, causing the fire to rage!
I absolutely loved the dynamic between the two detectives, Angus and Frank. They were by far my favorite characters of the mixed bunch. Each time I saw them pop in, I was so excited to see what banter they would have.
One last note – Holy cow… Chapter 34!
My Favorite Passages from Bone Saw Serenade –
She wasn’t left with much confidence. She felt she would have a better chance at a positive outcome if she found herself in a desolate desert, her feet buried deep within quicksand, and the only rope to pull herself out had been tied to a block of ice left to melt in the blazing sun.
Two storms can not materialize at once. That would be pure chaos.
Emma was beaming. So much so, Charlie thought if she opened her mouth for too long, actual beams of light may shoot out of her throat and be mistaken for a spotlight.
No matter where you go in the world, no matter who you are, pizza can bring everyone together. Having a bad day? Order a pizza. Celebrating an accomplishment or a birthday? Pizza party.
My Final Thoughts on Bone Saw Serenade –
This is certainly a crime thriller that I won’t be getting out of my brain any time soon.
Fans of slow-burning, deeply unsettling, and psychologically terrifying tales… You need to check this one out! I can’t get over how well this all played out… and the horror scenes were truly something of nightmare!
Be warned – This story will definitely leave you questioning your relationships.
Thanks for reading!
And a shout-out to the author for sending me a lovely signed copy!

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