Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop, Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews asked:
Do you read books over 400 pages?

Yes, I do!
Though I will admit, when I see a really long book, I do get a bit intimidated.
I think it’s because I try to post as regularly as I can on here, but when reading a large book, I know my schedule will get thrown off a bit.
I have quite a few 400+ paged books coming up shortly though, and I’m so excited to dive into each of them!
Thanks for reading!
What is the longest book you’ve read?
Mine as of 5/18/2019 is Under the Dome by Stephen King which, according to Goodreads, is 1,074 pages.
It’s so easy to get intimidated by the larger books!! Like you said, they can take longer to read which affects the blogs you post!
Great answer E!
Heather | My Book Blogger Hop!
Definitely! #bookbloggerstruggles lol!
WOW!!! That is a long book.
The longest book, since college, I have read was The Border by Don Winslow. 🙂
Ooh! That one is on my TBR! 🙂
I’ve read a few books over 1000+, but, as you say, it can affect posting schedule. Length would never stop me reading a book, but I might jiggle my reading order in my TBR if I think a longer one will stop me being able to post a review for another work on time.
I definitely read books more than 400 pages, but probably not that often! It seems most books I read are around 300-350, but I’ve read several that are 1000+! The Outlander books are quite long.
😀 300-350 seem to be the sweet spot for most books!
I have the same problem when reading long books. I usually try to post reviews regularly on my blog. But, when it comes to long books, it takes me like forever to read them. So, I tend to read lots of short books to keep up with my reviews.
That’s a great idea!! I love novellas, so I’ll have to have some on hand for when I dive into some of the long books on my TBR!
I have to REALLY want to read a book of that length as it takes so much longer than these 200 page offerings that I can read in one night. Things like A Song of Ice & Fire are worth it but a big book needs to engage me quickly or I lose interest.
Yeah! If a book has an extremely slow start and I can’t get into it, I’ll DNF!
OMG, over 1,000 pages!!!! I hope that was an e-book because my back would hurt from carrying around a book that big. LOL
I’m currently reading The Time Traveler’s Wife, which is about 500 pages. I think Anna Karenina is the longest book I’ve read. Goodreads puts it at slightly under 1000 pages.
It was!! lol! I actually read it while at the gym!
The longest book I have read was Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. It came in at 1,433. It’s one of my favorite books. 🙂 I don’t mind long books, although, like you, sometimes size can intimidate me. It depends on the book, really. Even so, if I really want to read a book, size won’t stop me. Have a great week!
Phew! That is long!! Have a great week as well! 🙂
I also get intimidated with long books but that won’t stop me reading them!
Ok, so I have to be honest and say that books with this many pages does tend to put me off, 200-300 is my average. That’s not to say I haven’t read longer and really enjoyed them, there are at least half a dozen books on my Goodreads 5 star rating shelf that are over 400.
I think it helps if there’s enough going on in the plot to keep me engaged, for example, Blade of Darkness by Dianne Duvall was 541 pages long and I absolutely loved it and devoured every page! The same with Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia which is a whopping 735 pages long.
I think you’re right about the time commitment needed for a book with more pages too; epic tomes from a favourite author can be devoured in a relatively shorter time than new-to-me authors.
I totally understand that! It’s hard to dedicate the time for a longer book. I tend to want to jump around a lot. And longer books sure can drag!! As much as I love his work, you see that in Stephen King’s work quite frequently- the random side stories or tangents that don’t really add much to the plot, so could probably be cut out. (Though I love them just the same!)