Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop, Nicki @ Nicki J. Markus/Asta Idonea asked:
What’s the oldest work (by publication date) you’ve read?

As far as I’ve tracked on Goodreads, the oldest book I’ve read is Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift. This book was published in October of 1726.
Thanks for reading!
What is the oldest book that you’ve read?
1726! Wow. The oldest book I could remember was Our Nig by Harriet Wilson.
Whoa, that’s old! I think mine is Pride and Prejudice from 1813.
Wow, hard to believe Gulliver’s Travels is that old! That’s kind of amazing really.
Great choice. There were some awesome works in the eighteenth century.
The voyage of Argo, third century. More readable than I had thought but I mostly prefer 19th century and younger…
I’ve only read a handful of classics as they aren’t really my thing so I think the oldest one I recall was Little Women from 1868. I didn’t like it though but didn’t DNF as I needed it for a book challenge!
I go back to Ancient Greece with Theogony by Hesiod. We had to study Latin in high school (I know, he’s a Greek author but we read it in Latin) so my oldest reading comes from that time. Then I have the Divine Comedy, Utopia and Tom Jones as oldest. Have a nice week!!
That’s awesome!! Have a nice week as well!
The Divine Comedy by Dante – 1320
Whoa! That’s an old one!
I remember reading this book in primary school for literature circle section of the class timetable. I enjoyed it back then and the movie adaption was so funny with Jack Black!
Oh!! I don’t think I’ve see that! I need to check it out!