Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop, Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews asks:
Do you review all of the books you read?

Yes, since I began my quest with book blogging, I have reviewed every book that I have read.
Sometimes my reviews are short and sweet, some get really long, while most land somewhere in-between.
I’m pretty go with the flow depending on the book.
Thanks for reading!
I’d love to see your answer for this question!
I don’t review every book I read, it would be too much work! But I have been starting to do very brief reviews on Instagram for books I don’t review on the blog.
That’s a great idea!
I used to not review all the books I read, but now I do ALL of them.
I do not, but I tend to review ALMOST all the books I read!
I used to review every book I read, but I wasn’t very good early on at keeping track of the books I read with my daughter–and so haven’t always reviewed those books. Like you, my reviews vary in length, although lately I’ve just managed to do mini ones. :-S
I hope you have a great week!
😀 I hope you have a great week as well!
I don’t review all of them, but I try to!
Yes I review every book I read, most on my blog, all of them on Goodreads.
Perhaps, I am missing something. I cannot (well, anything is possible should one create a workflow and set small goals) publicly review every book I read. But, now that I think about it, I probably could share my reading notes on my blog. See, I take reading notes almost obsessively.
You always give me something to think about!
I used to try and review all the books I read but now I am too lazy and can’t keep up with it. I only review ones for the book club or ones that I really enjoy.
That’s such a good process! I’m so curious to see how my process transforms 🙂