Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
Phew! I have been away from this hope for quite some time! It feels so good to be back!
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop, Billy @ Coffee Addicted Writer asks:
You’ve dropped your favorite book while being chased by a herd of zombies. Would you go back to retrieve it?
My answer for this one depends on three things.
The first is obviously how close of a call it would be to stop and try to snag it. I would hope I wouldn’t be too crazy to risk my life over a book.
The second would be whether the zombies are slow or fast. Are we talking The Walking Dead or 28 Days Later types?
The third is how far gone we are in the zombie apocalypse. If we’re deep into things and getting new books isn’t easy to do, then heck yes I am going to be much more willing to stop to retrieve it!
Thanks for reading!
How would you answer this week’s question?
chucklesthescot says
I agree with your reasoning. It’s not like we can just go out and get a new copy unless we are looting a book store! If I dropped a book I loved I’d try to lead the zombie away then double back to retrieve it!
Erica Robyn says
Good idea!! 🙂
Literary Feline says
I hadn’t thought about circling back after leading them away . . . That’s a good idea.
Erica Robyn says
Right?! I didn’t think of that either. Great idea!
Lauren @ Always Me says
Like you said, it definitely depends on the type of zombie – another type tho avoid are the kind from Train tho Busan. At least I wouldn’t have that extra weight slowing me down!
Erica Robyn says
Elizabeth @Silver's Reviews says
LOVE your answer. I am not into zombies so I just said NO.
Thanks for coming by my blog.
Erica Robyn says
Deanna says
Love your answers, yes it does depend on what type of zombies they are!
Erica Robyn says
Angela says
I’d have to let the book go! I already know I won’t do well in the zombie apocalypse, so I’m not taking any chances!
Erica Robyn says
Definitely better to play it safe!! 🙂
ShootingStarsMag says
Hah I love your reasoning for this question – I’m with you. These are important things to keep in mind!
Erica Robyn says
elnade says
I totally agree with those answers! If I had my sword to lop off their heads I would definitely go back and get it though.
Erica Robyn says
Yasss!!! Perfect!