Book Blogger Hop is a weekly meme hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer, where you answer a question and join a “hop”. The purpose is to help bloggers discover and get to know one another.
For this week’s Book Blogger Hop, Elizabeth @ Silver’s Reviews asks:
Do you talk to strangers about books especially when you see someone reading a book?

I love talking to people in bookstores about books! Though I usually wait for them to speak to me first. I’m pretty shy, so talking to strangers is really difficult for me as I always feel like I’m disrupting them.
I would love to talk to someone that I see reading a book that I read and loved! However, I wouldn’t dare interrupt their reading! At the risk of sounding like a total creep, I’d probably watch their facial expressions to see if I could gauge where they are in the book. If they were to react and stop reading for a moment, I’d be much more likely to politely ask how they’re feeling about the book.
Of course, on the internet, I’m happy to talk to strangers about books! 😉
Thanks for reading!
Would you talk to a stranger about books?
Sometimes I’m dying to talk to someone about a book they’re reading, but like you, I’m afraid to interrupt their reading! Browsing in a bookstore, though, I might see someone pick up a book I’ve read, and I’ll say something like, “Oh, I loved that book!”
Oh definitely! That’s a great point! I talk to people in bookstores quite a bit.
Yes, in person I am like you. I will respond to people and chat about books, but I am not good at making the first move in that regard.
I haven’t had any trouble with anyone when I asked what they were reading. 🙂
Love your answer….thanks for sharing.
That’s awesome!! I’ll have to keep an eye out and try next time! 🙂
Heehee. Yes, pretty similar answer 😀 Happy you stopped by!
Have a nice weekend!
Have a great weekend as well! 🙂
I feel the same way definitely. Sometimes a lady in a bookshop will talk to me about the book, and sometimes people at the library can fangirl with me, but it’s been a while since I had a good chat with a stranger about books.
Would be nice to do it soon, but I’m kinda shy too. I hate being interrupted when reading and I don’t want to do the same to another person, LOL.
I totally didn’t think about chatting in a bookstore or library! I do love that idea!! To me, that’s definitely easier than striking up a conversation while on a plane or something 🙂
I only talk to strangers if I really have to! I used to read on the bus coming home from work and people would interrupt me constantly to ask what I was reading, what it was about and if it was good. I wanted to answer that I didn’t know what it was like as I wasn’t getting peace to read it!
LOL! SO frustrating!! My schedule is always insanely busy… When I’m reading in public, it’s not just to pass the time, it to squeeze in some reading time as I likely won’t have time later!
I love talking to everyone and anyone about books, but I am far too shy to approach strangers. However, if someone talks to me first I will happily talk back. And if a stranger with a book randomly talks to me, I might ask them about the book.
<3 Same!!
It would be really hard for me to make the first move and talk to a stranger! I might be able to just say something in passing, like, “great book!”
Yeah!! Something very quick would definitely be a bit easier for me as well 🙂
I’m that super awkward person that kind of goes “uhhhh” when someone asks me what I’m reading. LOL I talk to strangers online about books though, so that counts!
RIGHT?! I just had that exact experience at the book event the other day! I was asked what I’m currently reading and BLANKED.
I can never start a conversation even about books to strangers. Unless they ask me about something bookish and then I can’t seem to stop. I am envious of you!
LOL! I love starting to talk and then getting on a roll!