First things first, sending all the birthday love to Mother Horror herself, Sadie Hartman! I hope you had an amazing weekend. And thank you SO much for organizing this AWESOME event!
If you haven’t yet heard, Sadie uploaded a ton of videos to the Night Worms Youtube channel to celebrate horror! These videos are of authors reading excerpts from their work.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Celebrate Horror 2020
What an awesome event this was! I love, love, love being able to see and hear authors reading their own work!
I also really enjoyed seeing each of their set ups within the shot, from the fun horror-related items to the books on their shelves!
From the authors that participated, I was excited that knew quite a few, but there were also a bunch that were new to me!
I had joked with Sadie on social media somewhere and said that I’m on a book buying freeze after Corona Con… But you bet I’ve made a list of books from the authors that participated in this event to buy at a later date!!
Click here to check out all of the awesome videos!
Thanks for reading!
If you love horror, you gotta make sure you’re subscribed to the Night Worms Youtube channel! Enjoy!
Sounds like a fun event!!!
I loved it so much!!
I really need to be more proactive like you in finding online bookish events!
I stumble across them thanks to Twitter! 😀
I’ve never really been into watching videos online-usually I have too much else to do! It’s great that you find all these great events and I’ll check out the names of any authors mentioned on your blog if I’m looking for new authors to try!
I struggle with it! When I had my old computer and could use two screens, I did much better keeping up with like, book tubers and such! But since getting a new computer without the proper outputs I’ve been slacking 🙁 I made the exception for this one! I played it on my phone while I worked 🙂