Christmas at Wheeldale Inn by Gemma Amor is gothic horror tale about a woman in a loveless marriage that desperately needs a Christmas miracle.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Christmas at Wheeldale Inn by Gemma Amor
Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox are in a carriage, trying to make it through a nasty storm as they flee their home to avoid being arrested due to Mr. Wilcox’s poor decisions. The couple has had quite a terrible time, but things are only going to get worse on this miserable Christmas Eve…
After a terrible carriage accident deep in the moors, they are left bloodied and freezing. Faced with certain death if they stay put, they begin walking through the storm.
Eventually, they spy a light through the snow and they rush to discover that there’s an inn. But will they be let in?
This story was deeply infuriating from the very start. My blood boiled horribly for Mrs. Wilcox. At each turn, I kept hoping for Mr. Wilcox’s quick and horrible demise because, my goodness, the things this man said.
How this story ended? Absolutely amazing! What a wonderful ghost story!
My Favorite Passages from Christmas at Wheeldale Inn
And the snow, unperturbed by this turn of events, continued to fall outside.
The dampening effect of the layer of white made the world a quiet, funereal place, but peaceful, too.
My Final Thoughts on Christmas at Wheeldale Inn
Gemma Amor is such a talented writer that draws readers right into the lives of her characters! I would recommend that you pick this one up as you sit by a fire or nestle under a cozy blanket because the chill of this one will hit you in more ways than one!
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Thanks for reading!
I hope you’re all having a wonderful holiday season!
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