Cool S by Die Booth is a story centering around the little doodle we all drew at one point. We thought it was so innocent, but what if there was a dark power behind it when done with a certain intent?
Intrigued? Then this is a book for you!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Cool S by Die Booth
One quick note to begin – at the end of the book, there is a wonderful list of content warnings if you need them! A couple of the big ones that I usually point out include the death of a partner and self-harm.
When diving into this tale, we meet Trace, a wife and friend, who has a conversation about the little ‘S’ symbol that she and everyone she knew used to doodle as preteens. But when she starts seeing them all over the place, she decides to do some research.
The curiosity to find answers turns to obsession and takes her in over her head. But by the time she realizes she is underwater, it’s far too late…
I was so intrigued to see where her research was going to bring her! I loved her interest at the beginning, but when it was clear that she was fixated on this, I knew we were in for a bumpy ride.
What a clever concept. I mean, who didn’t draw one of these at some point?! I remember my class drawing these on every test, every homework assignment, every blank whiteboard… all to the point where the teachers started threatening detention for students when they doodled where they shouldn’t.
And the body horror here! My goodness. From sleep paralysis to a brutal heart attack and everything in between, it’s a horror fan’s heaven! You never knew what was going to happen next!
This book also covers the topic of consent and what can happen when you don’t have it. I really appreciated the way the two characters that had things done to them without consent reacted, further hammering the point home.
I had SO much fun reading this! This is one that is definitely going to stick with me. I’m not looking forward to seeing one of these Cool S’s pop up again in the wild anytime soon though!
My Favorite Passages from Cool S
The rain outside pattered on the skylight set into the angled roof with a sound that was almost soothing. It cast grey afternoon shadows onto the opposite slant of the ceiling, raindrops trickling like tears.
Below the ‘phone numbers’ header on the torn page, she drew the familiar pattern, joining the vertical lines in blue ballpoint to produce the pointed outline of Cool S. Just like riding a bike: you never forget. It’s like we were all born knowing it. It coiled there on the paper like a snake, head hidden so you didn’t know where the strike would come from.
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“Red.” It wasn’t. The word just pulsed out, like blood from a cut.
A tilted moon laughed down like the sky had a mean grin, but it wasn’t enough to see by.
My Final Thoughts on Cool S
Cool S by Die Booth will make you think twice before doodling what you think is just a harmless S, that’s for darn sure!
Body horror fans, whether or not you know what this symbol is, this is a book you cannot miss!
Thanks for reading!
And special thanks to Die for sending me an early copy!
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