Pet Sematary by Stephen King is an intense tale about family and how far someone will go to bring things back to “normal.”
I have been hearing that this is by far Mr. King’s most terrifying novel. With the latest movie adaptation out now, I finally had the time to pick this one up.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Pet Sematary
When I began reading this novel, I really enjoyed the calm and semi-slow beginning. This really introduces the reader to the characters, their relationships with one another, the neighbors, and the setting in a wonderful way.
While things seem to be sailing long smoothly, there is suddenly a scene that’s wicked gruesome. When I hit that scene, which was certainly a bit disturbing, it was also heart-poundingly interesting! During that, I was totally engaged and read as fast as I could to see what was going to happen.
After that, the tale slows again, but the creep factor begins to build. It happens slowly at first, but as the tale goes on, it gets more and more intense while the reader begins dreading what will happen next.
The creepiness and dread continues to build right up to the end, which plays out as many readers may be able to predict, but it is alarming nonetheless.
One of my favorite elements of this book was the family dynamics. Like I said at the top, this was a tale about how far a family member is willing to go… They weren’t a perfect family, that’s for sure. But the family of four really cared about one another.
My favorite character was definitely their neighbor who lived across the street, Jud. He was your stereotypical older Maine gentleman who sits on his porch drinking beer and telling stories into the night. I really enjoyed how quickly he became family to the crew when they moved in.
Throughout the story, Jud was the one that told the really horrific tales to get both the reader and the main character, Louis, up to speed with the history of the area, what can go wrong, and other such things. My heart broke over the things that Jud had to tell and relive, as well as the things that he had to live through over the course of this story.
This tale also had a strong supernatural element to it that I found really interesting and a bit terrifying. Per usual, some of it was only mentioned vaguely, which I think helps add to the mystery and terror!

…the fearbone, like the funnybone, is located in different places on different people.
I donβt think children ever forget the lies their parents tell them.
Louis Creed was no psychiatrist, but he knew that there are rusty, half-buried things in the terrain of any life and that human being seen compelled to go back to these things and pull at them, even though they cut.

While I did really enjoy this one and thought that many parts were quite creepy… This one just didn’t rank very high on terror level for me. Perhaps that is simply because I had very high horror expectations of this.
Even so, I still thought that this was an awesome read! There were many instances where I couldn’t stop reading because I was hooked!
I will very likely reread this one and I would highly recommend it to other that don’t mind a bit of gore! However, if you have children, this one may be more difficult for you, so a word of caution there.
I cannot wait to go see the film now!

Thanks for reading!
If you’ve read this one or seen either of the adaptations, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
I’m still really new to King’s work, so I haven’t looked into this one yet.
I definitely recommend it! π
This is not a King novel I’ve read, or a movie I’ve seen (I think I’ve seen bits and pieces of the first adaptation). Sorry it wasn’t quite as horror as you’d expected!
That’s okay! π I still loved it and I cannot wait to see the two films!
I read a lot of his books when I was a teenager, and I can’t remember if I read this one or not, but the gore factor is one that might keep me away!
Yeah, two scenes specifically were really intense… phew!
I read this book years ago and still remember two scenes vividly: the bathtub scene (not an extraordinary event in itself, but some kind of plot point I guess) and the details of the grave construction. Yes, a good read!
I’ve been meaning to read this ever since I saw the recent movie. Although I have struggled with King’s writing style in the past; have you read him before? If so, how does it compare to his other writings?
Wondeful review by the way. Definitely nudged it up my TBR pile!
Ah yeah, I struggle with it occasionally too. This one does have it’s moments of wandering off on a tangent before snapping back to the story, but that doesn’t happy too often. Overall though, I do think it was one of my favorites! The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon, Under the Dome, Stand By Me, The Shining, Doctor Sleep, and The Outsider are my top favorite of his so far π
It’s been ages since I read this one. I also recall liking Jud. I plan a reread eventually but no time soon. I did manage to start NOS4A2 last night and checked Wraith out from my library to read afterwards. I want to be snarky and comment that I just finished “The Hiding Place” last night and felt like I read “Pet Sematary” too. Glad you enjoyed this one and I’m super excited about the movie.
YAY!! Enjoy NOS4A2 and Wraith! I can’t wait to see what you think!! And oh gosh, haha I can’t wait to see your review for The Hiding Place as well!! π
I have a friend who saw the new movie and said it wasn’t scary at all. Now I am scared at EVERYTHING and I almost died choking on popcorn during the preview so obviously I won’t be seeing it. HA!
Oh no!! hahahah
I read this when I was young- like probably 12/13. I can’t speak to the new movie, but the older one CREEPED ME THE HECK OUT, haha. It could’ve been because I was so young, too- I started reading my mom’s Stephen King book of short stories, Skeleton Crew, when I was just seven years old (my mom never censored what I watched or read. Fortunately, this never affected me!). I’ve been a King fan for a long time! I don’t know if it’s his most terrifying for me; I think what we each find scary is so subjective and so based on our own lived experiences and anxieties that what one person finds scary, another person might find boring…but this is making me want to pick up another Stephen King novel soon. π
<3 Oh my gosh, I was the same way with The Birds. I watched that when I was WAY too young! But it's still one of my favorites!! And I agree, the horror levels is definitely subjective! :)
Nope. Haha! I avoid scary, horror, overly suspenseful books because they give me literal nightmares. I have a very vivid imagination, and that transfers over into m sleep. I tend to dream about the books I’m reading, or something that resembles them, especially if I read right before bed. I would like for those dreams to be happy and pleasant, not me running away from previously deceased pets. π I’m so happy this one worked for you and that you enjoyed it! Are you planning on watching the new movie/television series? I’ve seen ads promoting it, but haven’t watched the trailer.
Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? π¬
<3 Yeah, that's certainly no fun!! And yes!! I'm hoping to see the film this weekend or next week!
It’s been soooo very long since I’ve read this one. I only remember a few pivotal scenes. I’m going to revisit on audio as soon as I can squeeze it in.
Ooh! Enjoy!! π
I haven’t read the book but I’ve seen the two movie adaptations. I’ve really enjoyed both for different reasons. I’m glad to hear the book is enjoyable. And I think this one isn’t very long for a King book so I may actually pick it up one day!
That’s awesome! I’ll have to watch both of them for sure! π
I read this one many years ago when I was still at school. I found it way too slow in getting to the actual action but it was a hot day in my garden and I couldn’t be bothered getting up to change to another book so I did finish it!
haha! I agree, the beginning was verrrrry slow.
I have heard that this was the scariest of all King’s work and I definitely want to read it some day. But I was not happy with the recent movie yet!
Yeah, I’m definitely nervous to see the film, but I hope to soon! π
I read this ages ago back when I was in high school and it was so scary! Great review!
Thank you! π
It sounds like this one does a good job of building up suspense in certain moments and hitting you with some deep horror in others. I am glad you were addicted while reading.
Definitely!! π