Synchronicity by Michaelbrent Collings is an action packed thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat as this intense plot plays out!
Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my rating in any way.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Synchronicity by Michaelbrent Collings
This is such a hard one to review without giving too much away! I’ll keep things below pretty light. But if you stop here, I’ll leave you with this note- AMAZING CHARACTERS, LOADS OF ACTION, SOME BRUTAL SCENES, AND AN AWESOME SCI-FI FOCUSED AND THRILLING PLOT; YOU NEED TO GO PICK THIS UP!
From the frustrated girlfriend that played a small role, to the main characters and even the bad guys, I loved each of the characters that we met in this tale. The two characters that we focus on the most are Tyler “Book” Malcolm and a man that we simply know as Kane.
Book is a man on the run. Ever since his childhood, he has been careful to leave when he gets the slightest hint that things are about to go sideways. This has served him well so far, but there are some things he can’t run from that he’s about to face. Kane is a man that believes that he has a God of chaos, and he will do anything to get his way.
When this story begins, we jump from character to character. I was a little nervous about this format, as it usually throws me off. But soon enough, I realized that we were getting little bits of foreshadowing about what was to come as the storylines began to weave together.
Right from page one, the story was off and running! We jump in right in the middle of the action and while it doesn’t let up, it does take the time to regroup and fill the reader in on what’s happening while Book is learning what situation he has found himself in. I LOVE this format; it kept me glued to the pages of this book and I couldn’t wait to see what would happen next.
My Favorite Passages from Synchronicity
Blood spurts once, brightly. The man called Enzo marcels at the arc of reds that vary in hue and saturation. He has, like another god before him, created a rainbow.
He is a new god indeed: a god of chaos. He has no true allegiance, he adheres to no creed – other than this: anarchy. Confusion. Turmoil. Madness.
Book started twitching, trying to regain control of his body. He thought it was working, and even managed to get to his feet.
One of his legs went out from under him and he was down for the count again.
That is the only problem with chaos; once it takes over, the train kind of runs itself off the tracks and there isn’t much anyone can do about it.
Politics was always ugly, and maybe the ugliest part of it was that it tended to attract the worst of humanity. The power-hungry, the sociopathic. And the advent of social media and the glorification of fame for its own sake, politicians could get away with bigger and bigger atrocities, with worse and worse behavior.
Now he heard Axel saying, “We mustn’t judge books by their covers, Jade.”
“I was going off the first few chapters,” came her reply.
Silence fell, somber and still as the night.
But does it matter if it’s counterfeit? Even if it’s an artificial brightness, it still lights the darkness a bit, doesn’t it?
My Final Thoughts on Synchronicity
This book had everything I look for in a thriller; killer characters, a balance between good and evil, brutal and fast-paced action, and humor. If you enjoy thrilling sci-fi reads, you definitely need to check this one out!
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Thanks for reading!
And a major thanks to Michaelbrent for sending me a copy of this book! I cannot wait to dive into other works from him soon!
I’ve read a few of his titles and he writes consistently good horror and it’s always so different!
I’m so pumped to read more!! When I had my little mixup with my honest review form, I had a few submissions waiting from him. 🙁 But I have the copies now, so I’m hoping to get to them very soon 🙂