The Doors of Chamberlain by Steve L. Clark is a tense and eerie story about mysterious doors that suddenly appear where they hadn’t been a moment before. Curiosity is tested and no one will walk away unscathed.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on The Doors of Chamberlain by Steve L. Clark
Grief-stricken Janie is having a difficult pulling out of her depression after her boyfriend, Mark, had disappeared while off being part of a reality ghost hunting show.
But one day, she receives a package that tells her: “Mark is not dead. I need your help. Watch the videos.” Cautious to have any hope, she puts the flash drive into her computer to find various video clips from the show.
Once it’s clear something very strange is going on, Janie reaches out to Mark’s sister and the sisters boyfriend to ask them for their help.
What happens next will change everything…
The tension of this tale begins very early on! Set in three parts, the first part really builds the foundation, the second part is the call to action that gets the nerves kicking in, and the third part is the terrifying event that everything had been building up to.
I loved the format that the author used in part one to get readers up to speed on what had occurred to bring us to the present. I had such a strong reaction to Janie’s grief initially and I wanted to jump into this book to help her. I really loved following her path throughout the story.
No spoilers here, but I do have to say that while Steve is clearly skilled with building the tension and showing the powerful bonds between people, he is also skilled in creating intense scenes! There was one scene specifically that made my fingers hurt so badly that I got feeble and dropped my eReader…
My Favorite Passages from The Doors of Chamberlain
Grief consumed her, a piece of broken heart clutched in each gnarled hand.
The stairs curved and walls narrowed until Mark was brushing against both sides with his shoulders as he continued down.
Cain pushed Derek by the throat until his head rested on the bricks of the fireplace. Derek stared helplessly up at him, the firelight dancing with the swirling white flickers in his black eyes.
They tore down the stairs and stumbled into the living room. Leslie didn’t know exactly what she expected to find, but the scene before her was not it.
For an instant, his eyes flashed back to the sparkling blue she knew so well, and she knew she was home. Wherever this was, it was home.
My Final Thoughts on The Doors of Chamberlain
If you’re looking for a creepy read, then look no further! You’ll be leaning in toward your book as if you were sitting there with the characters watching the video clips, hoping for glimpses of anything that will tell you what’s really going on here.
I cannot wait to read more from Steve!
Snag a copy using my Amazon Affiliate link or inquire at your local indie:
Thanks for reading!
And shout-out to Steve for sending me a copy for review! I had a blast! Of course, I purchased a copy as well.
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