The Roo by Alan Baxter was an absolute blast to read! I mean, this is a book about a kangaroo gone rogue, viciously taking out the people of a small town. Of course it was a wild ride!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on The Roo by Alan Baxter
I was so excited to recognize quite a few of the names included in this book! To be fair, I’m HORRIBLE with names, so I had to look a few up on Twitter that I thought looked familiar. Sure enough, I did “know” them and I was following them already!
I started really freaking out when I got to the following:
- Patrick McDonough
- Tracy Robinson
- Brennan LaFaro
- Cassie Daley
My husband laughed at me when I said that reading this book was like reading a story where all my friends were either dying or very close to dying as they were being taking out by a killer roo.
I was panicked and didn’t want to see anyone hurt, but I also couldn’t stop reading as I was very curious to see see how my friends may meet their fictional end.
Overall, the death scenes included in this book were absolutely insane and brutal. There are SO many that had me sitting with my mouth literally hanging open. I mean, poor Cassie!
But I have to say, Brennan’s death… Jeeze. That was one of the most vivid and insane book deaths I have ever read!
My Favorite Passages from The Roo
The roos mouth opened with a soft grunt. Its eyes glowed a fiery orange. John startled, realised it wasn’t reflected streetlight, but the beast’s eyes seemed to ignite with a kind of internal flame, bathing its face in a glow like a campfire.
The land out here had a way of breaking people.
He hit the dirt, bloods splattering it like rain, and rolled in time to see with his remaining eye the roo stretch up, then drop with both front legs outstretched, aiming for his head.
My Final Thoughts on The Roo
The Roo is just a treat to read. It had me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t stop reading.
If you enjoy horror stories about creatures gone wild with a LOT of gore, go snag this immediately!
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Thanks for reading!
It’s such an unusual premise for a book. I love the originality. Good review!
It was intense!!
Oh my goodness! That favorite passage is delicious!
I nominated you for the Liebster Award!
Oooh! Thank you!! <3