We Came From An Island by Cynthia Pelayo is collection of three short stories that center around families facing trauma and the strength it takes to endure.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on We Came From An Island by Cynthia Pelayo
Every now and then, I read a book and then sit for hours trying to come up with any words to put down for my review. I keep typing then removing text, so I’ll leave this one brief so you can go read something from this author instead!
Cynthia always puts out remarkable stories. In this collection, the stories are titled, “Boricua Obituary,” “The Lament of the Vejigante,” and “The Puerto Rican Syndrome.” Within each of these tales, there is so much darkness, but it’s woven in and around the main thread of light and hope that guides readers through.
Please go read this book as soon as you can.
My Favorite Passages from We Came From An Island
In Puerto Rico they could be outside without the fear of a rogue bullet tearing through the air searching for a target.
Puerto Ricans are a people who operate at the brink. Yet, they are not expected to behave as though they are being dangled over the ledge. However, they are expected to appease the very people who are tormenting them.
My Final Thoughts on We Came From An Island
Reading this book feels like you’re sitting down with a close friend that has chosen to open up to you about their past in a very intimate and trusting conversation.
Please go pick up a copy of this book if there are any left from the limited run, and then give it the time and space that it deserves.
I was very grateful to have snagged myself a signed copy.
Thanks for reading!
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