Today, I’m hosting another stop on the Bookish Blog Hop Winter tour!
To learn more about this event or to join in the next hop, check out the Bookish Blog Hop Facebook group here.
Now, let’s dive in to today’s prompt!
A Book You’re Looking Forward to Reading in 2020
My pick is Home Before Dark by Riley Sager

While there are many releases that I am really excited for in 2020, the one book that I’m looking forward to most in 2020 is Home Before Dark by Riley Sager.
I just love this author’s style! His other works, Final Girls, The Last Time I Lied, and Lock Every Door were all hits for me! He seems to be going darker and darker as he releases new books, so I am very excited to see how this one is.
Bonus, it comes out on my birthday- July 7th 2020!
Leslie Conzatti of The Upstream Writer

Oh my gosh, so many books I have to look forward to!!
The very first title (or “title grouping”, as it’s a series) that came to mind was The Impossible Times Trilogy by Mark Lawrence. I’ve been an avid follower of his work ever since a random person I’d never met before in my life struck up a conversation and happened to mention this book “Prince of Thorns” that her son was reading and it sounded so unique and intriguing that I immediately looked it up at the library… And almost didn’t make it through the first five chapters. It was really my first exposure to the really-truly “grimdark” side of fantasy, and those first few dozen pages were full of just morbid humor and more violence than I was really used to reading… But I kept going because of the prose. And I am so glad I did! I made it through the Broken Empire Trilogy and followed that up with the Red Queen’s War trilogy which was far more humor and less violence and villainy (I loved it so much I went ahead and bought the trilogy the first chance I got!) and from there moved on to The Books of The Ancestor which was his first foray into writing a female protagonist–and he did a masterful job! Of course, while I was waiting for some of his more recent books, I discovered that he was posting some “contractually unpublishable” stories on Wattpad–so of course I caved to the “FOMO” and joined there to read more lovely stuff! Even his older work has the same gravitas of his later prose–still the same fantastic stuff I came to love! Anyway, Impossible Times is his latest trilogy and it smacks of Stranger Things meets Ready Player One vibes, from what I can gather–so I am definitely getting my hands on that at the earliest available opportunity!
I’m also looking forward to what the indie authors I follow are going to be writing next: Kelly Blanchard and the last novel of her Chronicles of Lorrek sci-fi/fantasy series; J. E. Mueller and her fairy tale twists that just look so dang delightful!!! R. R. Virdi and more of his fantastic “paranormal/urban fantasy” series, both The Grave Reports series and the Dangerous Ways series–His characters are too dang fantastic, I need more!
Nikki of Saturday Nite Reader

I’ve been on a rom-com binge thanks to reading my first Christina Lauren book – The Unhoneymooners – this past summer and spent the following few months reading their entire library! Their latest The Honey-Don’t List comes out 3.24.20 and I cannot wait! I hope to get my hands on an advanced readers copy if I am lucky enough, if not I will certainly be preordering to start straight away.
One of the first advanced readers copies I received when I first started blogging was The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen. I then went on to read An Anonymous Girl from the duo as well; both books I read within 2 – 3 days. Their latest You Are Not Alone is expected March 3, 2020. Their page turning thrillers are addicting and I am looking forward to this one too!
Jo Linsdell of www.JoLinsdell.com

A book I keep seeing pop up recently is Darling Rose Gold by Stephanie Wrobel. The cover already caught my interest but then I read the book blurb and just had to add it to my wishlist on Net Galley. I’ve seen a lot of other book bloggers adding it to their most anticipated books for 2020 lists too.
A dark, shocking, and unputdownable thriller debut about a mother and daughter—and the lengths to which a daughter will go to find independence.
“Nobody wants to hear the truth from a liar.”
For the first eighteen years of her life, Rose Gold Watts believed she was seriously ill. She was allergic to everything, used a wheelchair, and practically lived at the hospital. Neighbors did all they could, holding fundraisers and offering shoulders to cry on, but no matter how many doctors, tests, or surgeries, no one could figure out what was wrong with Rose Gold.
Turns out her mom, Patty Watts, was just a really good liar.
After serving five years in prison, Patty gets out with nowhere to go and begs her daughter to take her in. The entire community is shocked when Rose Gold says yes.
Patty insists all she wants is to reconcile their differences. She says she’s forgiven Rose Gold for turning her in and testifying against her. But Rose Gold knows her mother. Patty Watts always settles a score.
Unfortunately for Patty, Rose Gold is no longer her weak little darling…
And she’s waited such a long time for her mother to come home.
Tania Richardson of The Bookworm Mummy

The book I am most looking forward to reading in 2020 is, hands down (pun intended), The Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson, the final book in the Truly Devious Trilogy. I am absolutely in love with these books, and waiting for the next installment has been torture! The trilogy follows true-crime aficionado Stevie Bell, as she begins attending the illustrious Ellingham Academy, where she is determined to solve one of the greatest unsolved crimes of American history, the kidnapping of Albert Ellingham’s wife and daughter by someone using the frightening pseudonym, Truly Devious. But things get complicated when Truly Devious makes a surprise return, and death revisits Ellingham Academy…
Follow the rest of the hop!
Check out the days that have gone live already below:
- December 1st– Current Reads of Book Bloggers
- December 2nd– Last book you read
- December 3rd– A book set in another country
- December 4th– A book with snow on the cover
- December 5th– A book set in a place you’ve lived
- December 6th– A book they made into a film
- December 7th– Where do you post reviews for the books you read?
- December 8th– Have you ever joined a book club?
- December 9th– Name a book you had to read in school
- December 10th– What’s the last book you bought? Did you buy it online or at a store?
- December 11th– An award winning book that was worth the hype (Stay tuned for the link!)
- December 12th– A book set in winter
Thanks for reading!
We’d love to hear from you! What book are you looking forward to most in 2020?
I’m glad you liked the unhoneymooners, I loved that one!
Thanks for popping by! 🙂
All these books sound good.
Right?! I can’t wait to dive into each of them!
I have been wanting to read one of the books written by the Christina Lauren duo 🙂 They all sound fantastic!
I really didn’t like Final Girl but I am willing to give the author another try. I honestly like that you mentioned they keep getting darker and darker – that’s a good thing. I do like how his covers all seem to be shades of certain colors – red, pinks and now greens. You must preorder it for yourself as a birthday gift this coming year!
<3 And right?! I definitely will!
I still need to read a book by Riley, but he’s on my list! I’m also super curious about Darling Rose Gold.
I would love to see what you think when you dive into some of Riley’s work! 🙂
Lock Every Door was such a good read! Ha, a new book coming out on your birthday is a great gift!
The one book I really want to read next year is The Winds of Winter!!!
Oh my gosh a new Riley Sager novel?! I didn’t know about this! I absolutely love his writing style, too. I’m adding this to my TBR right now.
Right?!?! I cannot wait!!
I can’t wait for Sager’s upcoming release! 🙂
I have heard such good things about Riley Sager’s books so I know I need to try some at some point! Hope you enjoy this one next year x