C.J. Tudor is just so darn talented. She has been one of my auto-buy authors since her debut, The Chalk Man. When I heard that we were going to luck out and be able to chat with her during her book tour in the US for The Drift, I was ecstatic!
Let’s dive in!
C.J. Tudor on Dead Headspace – February 2023
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On this episode, the lovely Candace Nola joined us! I absolutely adore Candace and I was so happy to meet her virtually for the first time. (Shout out for Candace’s latest novel, Bishop!)
We chatted about C.J.’s personal fears, how she adds emotion to her stories, how writing and making yourself sad is good at times as it means you’re being genuine, if she finds novels or short stories more difficult to write, being a self-taught writer, and so much more!
I was so excited that I also got to ask about C.J.’s books being in the same universe, and though I had picked up on one Easter egg, she confirmed that she adds others. Now I want to go reread all of her books back to back to try to find more!
I also got to show off my C.J. Tudor book stack while we all had a good laugh while Pat’s computer program stopped cooperating for a moment.

I also got to give a little shout-out to one of my favorite books, The Limpet Syndrome by Tony Moyle, as we discussed books that don’t really fall into any specific genre.
What an absolute blast this chat was! I hope you all enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed participating!
The Drift by C.J. Tudor is an intense, claustrophobia-inducing tale set in a post-apocalyptic world that will chill you deeply.
These storylines entwine so perfectly into one. I had an absolute blast with each perspective and had various moments of shock when I started putting puzzle pieces together.
Not only was this book truly scary, it had wonderful mystery and thriller elements mixed right in! If you enjoy novels that don’t hold back from laying the terror on, but also keep you totally captivated while making you emotional, then this is a perfect book for you!

Thanks for reading!
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