First things first, I’d like to thank Deanna of Deanna Reads Books for nominating me for this Blogger Recognition Award! I appreciate it so much 🙂 Second, readers, please make sure to go check out her blog! It’s wonderfully organized, she’s a great writer, and her color scheme is so lovely! Now let’s dive into it!…
About Me
The Blogger Recognition Award
The Mystery Blogger Award
Thank you so much to Amy @ A Magical World of Words for nominating me for The Mystery Blogger Award! The original post can be found at Okoto Enigma’s Blog. Let’s dive in! The rules: Put the award logo/image on your blog List the rules. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog….
My Book Lending Horror Stories
I would love to be one of those people that can lend out books without having their anxiety go through the roof. Unfortunately, I have just had too many awful situations where leading out a book ended in disaster. These are my horror stories… *insert Law and Order SVU sound effect here* (Yes, this post…
Bookish Facts About Me (According To My Fiancé)
I’ve been slowing adding to this blog post whenever Alex said something fitting ever since I wrote 25 Bookish Facts About Me. So it has been quite a while! When I was drafting it up, it was called, “Bookish Facts About Me (According To My Boyfriend),” but yesterday, my boyfriend proposed! It was so incredibly…
Big Blogger, Little Blogger Project
When I saw Mikaela of The Well-Thumbed Reader first post about this Big Blogger, Little Blogger project, I signed up immediately! What is the Big Blogger, Little Blogger Project? The idea behind this project was to pair up two bloggers; one Little Blogger that has fewer than 100 followers, and one Big Blogger that has…
Liebster Awards 2017
Many thanks to Joyce at The Paperback Princess, Evelina at Avalinah’s Books, and El at Exclusory for nominating me this year! Please take a minute to check out their lovely blogs when you have time. Haven’t heard about the Liebster Awards? No worries, neither had I until Joyce first tagged me! Apparently my computer hasn’t either! “Liebster” keeps getting…