Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes is a space horror tale of isolation, cold, and inner turmoil set on a planet with many secrets. But it’s not just the planet itself that has a story to tell, it’s each of the crewmates as well. But will they share or will the secrets ruin them all?
Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes | Book Review
Kosa by John Durgin | Book Review
Kosa is a tale of hair, magic, and horror that will leave your heart heavy and your stomach churning.
Elogona by Samantha Kolesnik | Book Review
Elogona by Samantha Kolesnik is a tale of love and despair set in a town where hatred and appalling actions are commonplace in their community.
Collected Christmas Horror Shorts III | Book Review
Collected Christmas Horror Shorts III presented by KJK Publishing is another collection of killer holiday tales that horror fans need to read around the holiday season! From fed-up elves and a drugged-out Santa to horrific cosmic creatures and ghosts, this collection covers a great variety!
One of Our Own by Lucinda Berry | Audiobook Review
One of Our Own by Lucinda Berry, narrated by A.J. Cook and Tessa Albertson, is a thriller that centers around very dark and horrific events that will unnerve and shake readers to their cores.
IT SEES YOU WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPING by Gemma Amor | Book Review
IT SEES YOU WHEN YOU’RE SLEEPING: A Christmas Horror Story by Gemma Amor features something coming down the chimney. But it’s not Saint Nick and they’re not planning to spread joy…