Spectrum: An Autistic Horror Anthology is a collection of chilling horror tales crafted to sink deep into your psyche, allowing the terror to linger while also offering varied perspectives on the human experience.
Spectrum: An Autistic Horror Anthology | Book Review
Reanimated Rex by Alex Ebenstein | Book Review
Reanimated Rex by Alex Ebenstein is a tale of lightning, an abandoned theme park, dinosaurs, and the sheer terror of what may be lurking around the corner.
We’re Not Ourselves Today by Lydia Prime and Jill Girardi | Book Review
We’re Not Ourselves Today by Lydia Prime and Jill Girardi is a collection of thirteen amazing pulp horror tales jam-packed with creatures, darkness, and a bit of fun. Are you ready to unlock new fears such as looking underneath ice or the sound of frogs croaking?
The House At the End of Lacelean Street by Catherine McCarthy | Book Review
The House At the End of Lacelean Street by Catherine McCarthy is a heavy yet uplifting story of the many paths a life can take and the beauty of letting go.
Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 by Steve Stred | Book Review
Into the Darkness: Stories Volume 1 by Steve Stred is a killer collection of dark tales that will rip your heart right out and stomp on it, leaving you feeling hollow.
Mothman Haze by E.C. Hanson | Book Review
Mothman Haze by E.C. Hanson is a gut-punch horror tale about a missing kid, a grandfather who swears Mothman took him, and a strained family on the edge of breaking apart.