Werewolves (Classic Monsters Book 2) presented by KJK Publishing is an anthology that brings dark and fresh takes on the good ol’ werewolf that readers will want to sink their teeth into right away!
KJK Publishing Presents: Werewolves | Book Review
Shadow of the Hidden by Kev Harrison | Book Review
Shadow of the Hidden by Kev Harrison is a tale of friendship and curses, and of darkness and love, all centered around the race to find answers before it’s too late.
The Horror Collection: Turquoise Edition | Book Review
The Horror Collection: Turquoise Edition presented by KJK Publishing is a collection of tales that will pull on your heartstrings, make you physically ill, and leave you wishing you had a nightlight for your room before you turn in for the night.
In Our Tears, In The Sea by Matthew Lutton | Book Review
In Our Tears, In The Sea by Matthew Lutton is a tale of desire, terror, and crabs … lots and lots of crabs.
It Came From The Lake by Glenn Rolfe | Book Review
It Came From The Lake by Glenn Rolfe is a tale of murder, teenage angst, and a manmade lake in the woods of Maine housing a dark secret.
The Revenge of the Clowns by Caesar Ruell | Book Review
The Revenge of the Clowns by Caesar Ruell is a tale of twisted carnival horror filled with carnage and the most intense murders you’ll ever witness on the page. Get ready, because wherever these clowns go, terror follows as close as a shadow.