Man, Fuck This House by Brian Asman is a story of a very unusual house, a tense family dynamic, and one very long prank that threatens to push this family over the edge.
[Book Review] Man, Fuck This House by Brian Asman
[Book Review] Dan and Andy’s Scary-oke Holiday
Dan and Andy’s Scary-oke Holiday by Katherine Silva is a fast-paced tale of an occurrence that suddenly overtakes a small town, leaving two men stuck in a bar. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] Decimated Dreams by Brennan LaFaro
Decimated Dreams by Brennan LaFaro is the heart-pumping and tense follow up to Slattery Falls. If you haven’t snagged Slattery Falls yet, do it now! You will want to be ready to jump right into Decimated Dreams! And one more quick note before we get started; I purposefully avoided spoilers in my review, so this…
[Book Review] Down Home by Steve L. Clark
Centered around a young woman who returns to the town she once fled, Down Home by Steve L. Clark is a dark and foreboding tale about family secrets and a wicked creature that is coming for what they are due. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] Somewhere South of Hell – Book 2 by Ronald Kelly
Somewhere South of Hell – Book 2 by Ronald Kelly is a chapbook that holds two unsettling tales that focus on body horror and death! Just like Book 1, these tales are not for the faint of heart! Content Warnings: Mention of dog death, death & gore. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] Disingenuous Solace Volume 1 by Ronaldo Katwaroo
Disingenuous Solace Volume 1 by Ronaldo Katwaroo is a collection of horrific short stories set in Serendipity Forest where nothing is quite as it seems and darkness lurks in the shadows. I’m going to call it right now, Ronaldo Katwaroo is a name you’re going to want to keep an eye on! Let’s dive in!