When Painted With Deceit by Shana Frost is a heart-pumping tale of false hope, deceit, and murder mixed with our usual dose of cozy romance set in a small town.
When Painted With Deceit by Shana Frost | Book Review
Sleep Tight by J.H. Markert | Book Review
Sleep Tight by J.H. Markert is a chilling narrative filled with unexpected twists and harrowing turns. At its core lies the abduction of innocent children, beginning a desperate race against time to locate them before the unthinkable occurs.
Keep Your Friends Close by Lucinda Berry | Book Review
Keep Your Friends Close by Lucinda Berry is a tale of friendship, secrets, and the wild things people will do for love.
[Book Review] When Distilled From Rage by Shana Frost
When Distilled From Rage by Shana Frost is the sixth book in the Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries series. Just like the others, this is a novel of murder, secrets, and the determination to solve the latest case! Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author per request of…
[Book Review] Dragonfly Summer by J.H. Moncrieff
Dragonfly Summer by J.H. Moncrieff is a story about forgotten memories, lies, and the lengths in which some will go through to cover up horrible behavior. Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This did not affect my rating in any way….
[Book Review] The Unknown Man by Natalie Hanson
The Unknown Man by Natalie Hanson is a dark mystery about an FBI agent that is blackmailed into taking on a case. Thinking she will handle things quickly, she has absolutely no idea what she is really about to walk into. CW: Cancer, Drug Abuse, and others. Check out my review on StoryGraph for more…