See No Evil by J.P. Choquette is a suspenseful tale set in a town where all treacherous paths lead back to the same culprit. But will our main character make it out of this twisted maze unscathed? Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author per request of an…
[Book Review] See No Evil by J.P. Choquette
[Book Review] Cover Art by Vanessa Westermann
Cover Art by Vanessa Westermann is a breathtaking murder mystery in which wonderful characters bring small town secrets to light. While mostly cozy, this story doesn’t shy away from the darkness that is always present in small towns as well. Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this book from the author per…
[Book Review] When Old Fires Ignite by Shana Frost
When Old Fires Ignite by Shana Frost is the latest release in the Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Series. Per usual, this tale starts with a bang and leads readers through a stressful case while also showing how Aileen and Callan’s relationship continued to grow. Full disclosure: I was given a free copy of this…
[Novella Review] Smokes of Death Beer by Shana Frost
Smokes of Death Beer by Shana Frost is a quick murder mystery about a young woman on vacation that winds up in the wrong place at the wrong time. Let’s dive in!
[Novella Review] When Wilt Thou Die by Shana Frost
When Wilt Thou Die by Shana Frost is an exclusive novella that falls between book one and book two of the Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Series. While short and sweet, this one packs plenty of mystery into the pages. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] When Red Mist Rises by Shana Frost
When Red Mist Rises by Shana Frost is the fourth book in the Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries series. And phew, this one was packed with danger from beginning to end! Let’s dive in!