Curse of the Sands by Martin Ferguson is the second book in this incredible series. If you enjoy action-packed adventures, you have to pick this one up! I loved the first book, Eagle of the Empire, SO much. When Mr Ferguson offered to send me the second book in this series, I gotta admit, I…
Book Review
[Book Review] Curse of the Sands by Martin Ferguson
[Book Review] Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa de la Cruz
I finally kicked off my holiday reading with Pride and Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa de la Cruz, which is an adorable Hallmark-ish romance. As you all know, I just love this genre. I first heard about this book when Melissa of Chick Lit Central posted about it. I was so thrilled when she then reached…
[Graphic Novel Review] The Last Council (Amulet #4) by Kazu Kibuishi
The Last Council by Kazu Kibuishi is book number four in the Amulet series. Like the others in this series, I absolutely adored this volume. Click the links below if you missed my reviews for the previous three books: My review of Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper My review of Amulet #2: The Stonekeeper’s Curse My…
[Graphic Novel Review] The Cloud Searchers (Amulet #3) by Kazu Kibuishi
The Cloud Searchers by Kazu Kibuishi is book number three in the Amulet series. Like the previous two, I absolutely adored this. Click the links below if you missed my reviews for the previous two books: My review of Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper My review of Amulet #2: The Stonekeeper’s Curse Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] Locked Out by L. M. Schukraft
One of the first books that I read as an honest review for this blog was Even Halos Can Be Crooked. I really enjoyed that read and quickly followed L. M. Schukraft on social media to stay informed about her latest releases. Recently, when I saw the roll call for ARC readers for her latest book titled…
[Graphic Novel Review] The Stonekeeper’s Curse (Amulet #2) by Kazu Kibuishi
The Stonekeeper’s Curse by Kazu Kibuishi is the second book in the Amulet series. Just like the first book, I absolutely loved this one! Click here if you missed my review of Amulet #1: The Stonekeeper. Let’s dive in!