The Dark by Lemony Snicket, illustrated by Jon Klassen is absolutely adorable! It has a great storyline and wonderful artwork. I would highly recommend this for anyone that enjoys children’s books. And if you’re looking for a great gift for a child you know, I would definitely suggest this! My Thoughts on The Dark by…
Book Review
[Children’s Book Review] The Dark by Lemony Snicket, Illustrated by Jon Klassen
[Book Review] Here And Gone by Haylen Beck
Here and Gone is a suspense novel that is sure to get your heart pounding! I thought that the premise was incredibly spooky because it’s so realistic. Let’s dive in!
[Book Review] Mission in a Bottle by Seth Goldman & Barry J. Nalebuff
During my Trip to the Niantic Book Barn, I discovered this book in a “Business” section of Store Four. The cover was what pulled me in at first, and when I opened it up, I immediately added it to my to-buy stack! Why? Because it’s a graphic novel! Not only did I have SO much fun…
[Book Review] Final Girls by Riley Sager
I’m a total sucker for thrillers that keep me on my toes. The suspense in Final Girls by Riley Sager was done so well! I found myself guessing at what would happen next and each time… I was wrong! It’s one of those thrillers that makes you go, “OH! Why didn’t I see that earlier!”…
[Book Review] The Dip by Seth Godin
I snagged The Dip by Seth Godin at a local thrift store for just a dollar! I couldn’t believe it; what a find! I brought it with me to the gym and read it while I walked on the treadmill. I didn’t leave the treadmill until I had read it cover to cover. It took less…
[Book Review] A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
I recently received the A Monster Calls DVD in the mail from Netflix. Before I watched, I wanted to make sure to give this book a reread as the first time I read this was over a year ago. While I still remembered most of the book, the refresher was still nice. So let’s dive…