I’m so excited to share my favorite quotes from the books I read last year. This is the eighth year in a row I’ve done this! It’s always fun to look back and remember the quotes that stuck with me.
My Favorite Book Quotes from 2024
2024 Highlights
WOW, what a year 2024 was! I attended a couple of really awesome bookish events and acquired a good number of signed books that I was so excited to include in this recap! While I didn’t read nearly as much as I normally do, I was able to find more time for reading while balancing being a mom and a full-time employee!
My Eighth Year Blogiversary!
Here we are again! Another year down, and another year where I totally blew past my actual blogiversary! Whoops!
July 2024 | Recap
Phew, July sure went by in a blur. In our household, we were all sick on and off again. When we weren’t sick, we were very busy with small events like birthdays and other get-togethers. I also took a work trip to Pittsburgh and was away from my little dude for the first time! Luckily,…
June 2024 | Recap
In June I was only able to read two books, but they were both amazing! I was also able to finally get out of the house for my very first evening out alone since I was just over midway through my pregnancy last summer. And what an event it was!
May 2024 | Recap
May was yet another total blur! I was able to read three books and review four while my personal library grew by three books. Learn more here!