Christmas Eve Carnage by John Lynch is a tale of dampened holiday cheer, the thick presence of loss, and well, all-out carnage.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Christmas Eve Carnage by John Lynch –
With Christmas quickly approaching, one family still reeling from the loss of their mother is gearing up for a tough holiday. When the youngest finds a creepy elf named Sprinkles in the attic, she is quickly attached to it even when the rest of the family tells her to put it away… Little does this family know the horrors they are about to face.
Oh my gosh, this poor family! They had already been through some horrible events… now this? My heart broke for them over and over again while reading. These characters jump right off the page though! I quickly reacted to things they were doing like they were my own family!
Written in chapters of varying perspectives I have to say that I’m obsessed with the organization of this story! I loved learning about each character and following them until they all eventually crossed paths. I may have missed some hints, but there were a couple “OHHH!” moments for me when things started clicking together.
So from the title you know there’s a lot of bloodshed here. The body horror is brutal and so descriptive. Not only are you going to picture the scenes, but you’re gonna practically be able to hear them too. One particular crunch has been haunting me…
This is a killer horror novel that really brings the terror to the holidays!
My Favorite Passages from Christmas Eve Carnage –
Ah, I marked so many passages but every single one was a spoiler! Readers… you’re gonna love so much of the brutal descriptions here.
My Final Thoughts on Christmas Eve Carnage –
Ah man, I picked this up from John while at the Merrimack Valley Book Fest this year, and even though I still owe him a couple of reviews, I just couldn’t wait to dive into this during the holiday season. As my first holiday read, it certainly set things off on a wild tone! I had such a blast reading the terror inside these pages. I can’t get one of the final scenes out of my head!
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