The “Under the Light of the Broken Moon” FCBD issue of The Only Living Boy is a short glimpse into this comic series, but it really packs a punch!
As a reader that was totally clueless about this series before picking this up, I’m very happy to say that it hooked me immediately!
Let’s dive into my quick review.
My Thoughts on The Only Living Boy | Under the Light of the Moon by David Gallaher & Steve Ellis
This issue is the perfect example of a FCBD comic done right! It had a recap element, it was engaging from the start, the artwork rules, and it gave the reader the perfect amount of storyline before ending on a bit of a cliffhanger- but a great one!
Unlike many of the other comics that I’ve read from this event, this one did an awesome job explaining what was going on to someone picking it up without knowing anything about it! I loved the little “What You Missed…” blurb at the beginning that caught the reader up to speed. Then we dove right into the tale!
This story was short and sweet and didn’t waste any space. As a reader, I was given just enough information to get me super interested in the series without straying into info-dumping, or worse, a total lack of world building.
The characters were interesting. We only got little glimpses into what they were like, but I would certainly like to learn more!
The artwork was fun as well. A bit on the creepy side of things, which I loved.

My Final Thoughts on The Only Living Boy
This is definitely one that I would recommend if you see it at a future FCBD event! From this, I cannot wait to get my hands on full volumes of this series!
Thanks for reading!
If you’ve read a comic book recently, I’d love to hear about it in the comments section below!
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