Dead Folk by Katherine Silva is a tale of grief and a continued journey toward getting the revenge our main character seeks.
Content warnings are included on the copyright page for anyone interested!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Dead Folk by Katherine Silva –
Janet thought she had come to terms with her grief. But when a new death occurs, she’s plunged right back into her personal storm. Turns out, her journey for revenge isn’t over.
Knowing her backstory now, I was extra nervous to see what was to come. I so badly wanted to see her have a little light in her journey. But of course, that wasn’t to be.
Not yet anyway! I cannot wait to see what happens in the next book!
My Favorite Passages from Dead Folk –
Paintings of churning seas and ships with full sails lorded over the staircase landing as she reached it. The rich wood behind it was carved in swirls and eddies much like the waves in a storm.
Running along in the woods, she’d get scraped up by all manner of broken sticks and thorns without noticing. Only when her parents reacted did she finally see and the pain slipped in like a silent passenger along with panic.
My Final Thoughts on Dead Folk –
While the first book in this series read like a gut-punch, this one was non-stop action and I thought the worst was about to happen at any moment!
Ugh, I’m SO NERVOUS to see where book three takes us!
Related Reading:
Undead Folk by Katherine Silva is a short and intense tale of grief, horror, and the lengths in which someone will go for closure and vengeance.

Thanks for reading!
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