Depart, Depart by Sim Kern is a heartbreaking story of natural disasters, survivors’ guilt, generational trauma, and fear. And yet, it’s also a tale about finding yourself and your family, even in the darkest of times.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Depart, Depart by Sim Kern
This novella is packed with very real terrors that many are faced with every day. From racism, transphobia, and homophobia, to things like natural disasters, poor gun control, and lack of food.
My heart broke for all of these characters. It was clear they had all been through trauma thanks to the natural disaster, but our core group had been through much more. Watching them navigate the situation and be met with so much hatred was terribly blood-boiling. Through these situations, the author does an amazing job of putting readers right in the shoes of the characters.
The author also has a lot of love and uplifting elements here. It made me so happy to see how quickly these characters were drawn to one another. And mixed into the darkness, there were little bursts of things that help readers restore faith in humanity for at least a minute. The scene where our main character asked for help to gather supplies was one that really stood out.
I’m in awe of this author. Not only did they balance the light and dark, but they also didn’t shy away from really laying into the horrors of the darkness.
This book is one that will have you switching from smiling to scowling constantly while reading. You’ll want to jump right into the pages of the book to help support the group as well.
My Favorite Passages from Depart, Depart
“But it just takes one hateful person to ruin everything, doesn’t it?”
Noah is stunned and hurting, like he’d bent to smell a rose and gotten stung by a wasp.
My Final Thoughts on Depart, Depart
A must-read for all!
This story is one I would especially recommend to horror fans that enjoy the terror of natural disasters and can read about the horrible hatred that some people hold.
But please do tread lightly. If you’re not in a good place to read the dark parts, I would hold off on this. The author handles it with care, but it could definitely be triggering.
Thanks for reading!
I’ve seen this one around a lot for the trans rights readathon. It definitely sounds good – intense, but good!
I’m so glad this is getting into more readers’ hands! Definitely a powerful read!