Elogona by Samantha Kolesnik is a tale of love and despair set in a town where hatred and appalling actions are commonplace in their community.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Elogona by Samantha Kolesnik –
After fleeing dangers on the mainland, those who dare try to cross the sea to get to this island risk almost certain death. It’s not just the weather and the ocean that are the danger, however, it’s the sea beast, Elogona.
But can life on this island be what these refugees are seeking, or are the dangers lurking in this community even more dangerous?
Following the two main characters, we see two women hopelessly in love with one another in a town that hatefully calls them sinners and will do anything to keep them apart. But they’re not going down without a fight!
Oh boy, will this read fill you with rage! On one hand, many characters made me want to scream. The author crushed it when getting these horrible people on the page. I found myself physically shaking with anger at many things that were said and done.
On the other hand, we had the more heartwarming characters that try to balance the darkness. These characters appear like taper candles trying to light up a deep, dark, enormous cavern. Try as they might, they just can’t light up the space. Even so, it’s nice to see them try.
Working around the most terrifying question, which is more dangerous, the human monsters or the mythical ones, this tale will have you read to read while peeking through your fingers!
My Favorite Passages from Elogona –
Verna loved to worship the present moment — the sound of a summer shower raining down on the tree canopy; the soft indent of wet sand beneath her feet; and right now, most of all, the shine of Audrey’s pale-blonde hair, curled out at the ends like it was trying to grow toward a light source.
Everyone and everything wanted to feast on women. Verna only wanted to love one.
Tears cascaded, and Verna could see that there was a separate ocean within Audrey, as mythical and deep as the one surrounding the island.
Male gaze has always felt like a residue she didn’t deserve and couldn’t wash off.
Verna rapped her knuckles on the door and waited. It was scary to be there after so long away — a realization that filled her with heavy sorrow. No one should feel this scared to go home, she thought.
Most people stepped aside and let the loudest voices rule, so long as those loud voices persecuted someone else. For most, it was easy to sit back and let other people suffer.
My Final Thoughts on Elogona –
The emotional roller coaster this one sent me on… From start to finish, this read drips dread and darkness. Strap in and make sure your seat belt is fastened nice and tight before giving this one a read!
Fans of bleak horror with terrifying monsters (both human and creature), you need to experience this tale!
Thanks for reading!
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