This Little Free Library was a couple of houses down from the old King family house! While we were visiting, I had a stack of books in the back of my car that were waiting for LFL drop-offs. Knowing I had a book from a friend, I first took a photo outside of the King’s house and then walked over to the LFL to drop it off.
Let’s dive in!
Little Free Library Visit – Broadway, Bangor, Maine

The story behind this LFL is a great one! The owner had previously owned a bookshop in Rhode Island called Other Tiger. Moving to Maine when she got married, she started this LFL to share books with people again! How amazing is that?!
This LFL was one of the biggest ones I’ve seen yet, and definitely, the best organized! Also, how stunning is the house of the LFL owners as well?! Talk about my dream house. My goodness.
In the bottom section, there were loads of books for middle grade and kids! I loved that this was right at their level.

In the top were the adult books! There were also notes of praise for the LFL.
I didn’t take anything, but I left my spare copy of Noose by Brennan LaFaro here, faced out so hopefully it caught someone’s eye nice and quickly!

Thanks for reading!
If you happened to snag the copy of Noose at this LFL, I’d especially love to hear from you!
Ooh I love how big it is, and that there are books for most ages.
Right?! Such a nice touch!!