Gore by Matt Wildasin is a fast-paced tale of uncovering things that were long buried and the curiosity that strikes and drives them forward, even when they knew better than to bend to their interest.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on Gore by Matt Wildasin –
Just when the crew is getting desperate, they think they’ve found a good place to drill. Unfortunately, they don’t find the acid ice or Umbranium they’re hoping for. Instead, they find sarcophagi.
Looking them over in the lab, one of their scientists detects a heartbeat, and of course, they just have to open it up even when they knew better, whether they vocalized that or not.
I haven’t played any of the DOOM video games, so I’m sure I was missing out here. However, like Matt said he hoped for in his introduction, I still had an absolute blast with this tale!
I loved that we were dropped right into the rough situation without the need for a long build-up to set the scene. We get just enough description before things go absolutely wild.
I was hooked immediately with the curiosity of what they would find when they began drilling. As soon as the sarcophagi were announced, I kept thinking, “Put them back! Put them back!” Then very soon after that, once the action began, I was totally immersed but still a bit nervous to see how everything would play out.
Matt does an amazing job ramping up the dread as the story goes on until we’re in full-blown action and terror. Sentences like this made this book impossible to put down: “It was a request he would later wish he hadn’t made.”
Shout-out to the character named Logan for being the one who reacted exactly how I could imagine that I would have in the same situation. His logic and absolute shock over how the others were reacting was so relatable!
My Favorite Passages from Gore –
He started at the sparkling red surface with a grimace that could crush stone.
He rounded upon the first fiend so swiftly that the creature had no time to react as he plunged the chainsaw deep into its belly. The circulating blades chewed through the layers of flesh to the beast’s innards with ease, dousing the surrounding monsters in blood and viscera.
Gordon felt his mind slipping. He couldn’t understand what he was looking at, let alone be able to accept that it was real. Never in a million lifetimes did he ever think he’d see such a horrendous sight.
My Final Thoughts on Gore –
A classic curiosity-killed-the-cat type of situation, this tale is one that you’re going to want to read straight through. The tension and action are just too intense to put down at any point.
Action-horror fans, go grab your copy today!
Thanks for reading!
And a shout-out to Matt for including my name in the acknowledgments! I’m honored!
I’m generally not a fan of this genre but there is something {probably the images the word ‘sarcophagi’ conjure up for me} about Gore that appeals to me … maybe not to the point where I want to rush out and buy a copy but certainly to the point where I’ll be requesting my local library obtain a copy.