House Of Rot by Danger Slater is a bizarre tale of new beginnings, fungi, and trying to see outside of the box no matter what circumstance you find yourself in.
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on House Of Rot by Danger Slater
Moving into an apartment, these newlyweds are excited to start their new journey. With a goal of saving up to move into a house in the suburbs, they expect the next few years will be a bit rough. But that same night, things take a turn, showing them that the struggle is already present.
Hearing footsteps and a toilet flushing, the couple investigates in the middle of the night. They don’t find any intruders, but they do discover a bit of mold under a sink. Saying they will handle it the next day, they go back to bed. When they get up in the morning though, the mold has spread unnaturally fast.
The couple quickly realizes that something is very, very wrong.
My goodness. This entire read had me itchy and ready to go soak in an oatmeal bath!
I’m extremely allergic to mold, so just seeing the bit under the sink, I would have been trying to leave… I couldn’t believe how fast things progressed! That’s truly my biggest fear when I see mold, that it’s too late and all is lost. I go into a panic immediately!
This is such a unique locked-room horror story. What seems innocent at first quickly spirals into one of the most terrifying situations I’ve ever read.
This author covers so much ground; intruders, body horror, unhinged neighbors, and even classical music and old food commercials! Blending the horror with humor so seamlessly, this tale will suck you right in.
I picked it up late one afternoon and finished it that same evening. I just couldn’t wait to see what else was going to go wrong for this poor couple.
My Favorite Passages from House Of Rot
What have you done to deserve it? He repeated her question as if he were weighing it on a scale. What have you done that makes you think that you don’t?
Elena looked down to see half her horrified face still glued to the wood. Mouth agape. Nostrils flared. One of her eyeballs yanked right out of her skull, left in a gooey pile, like a scoop of ice cream melting on a hot sidewalk.
“You can see that I’m wearing my guts like a backpack, can’t you? I think we might be past the point of ideas.”
My Final Thoughts on House Of Rot
A perfect read for fans of bizarre horror! If you can suspend belief and sink into this one, you’ll have an absolute blast while reading! Just don’t get too comfortable, or the fungus will come for you too!
Thanks for reading!
I’m so excited to read this one!
I can’t wait to see what you think! We just had a mold issue yesterday under our kitchen sink and I couldn’t help but think of this book!! Yikes! 🙂