I recently ordered one of the awesome Indie Book Boxes. This box was the special box for December 2023 and the theme? Pirate Horror! Of course, I had to check it out!
The only thing I knew about this box going in was the overall theme and that it had a special edition of one of my favorite books, Skinwrapper by Stephen Kozeniewski. I was very surprised to see everything that this box included when it arrived!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on the December Pirate Horror Books of Horror Surprise Box from Indie Books –
When the box arrived, I immediately noted the fun sticker on the front, displaying what the box was all about. I loved that this big sticker looked like a stamp! How clever!

When opening the box, there was a fun wax seal that you had to peel away to get to the rest of the goodies!

The Goodies –
The photo below includes all of the treats that were inside this month’s box. The bigger ticket items included an oven mitt, a rusted skeleton key, a leather pouch, and what I think is a glasses sleeve. There were also bookmarks, patches, stickers, magnets, and pins.
Not included in the photo, however, are all of the other items that were thrown in for advertisement such as bookmarks, business cards, discount codes, and more!

The Books –
I totally wasn’t expecting this many books to be inside! Skinwrapper by Stephen Kozeniewski appeared to be the main focus as it’s the biggest and longest of the six books. I’m obsessed with the cover and so pumped to have a copy on my shelves as I had only read the ebook version previously!

Also included in the box were:
- The Undying Maroons by Chaz Williams
- Stars Shining Darkly by Mercedes M. Yardley
- In Our Tears, In The Sea by Matthew Lutton
- The Salt of My Blood by Jae Mazer
- Red Sky Morning by Jessica Ramey

The Whole Package –
Again, minus the promotional and advertisement-type of materials, the photo below shows how this box was packed to the brim!
I’m personally most excited about the books. All the other goodies are fun and I really appreciate the variety! I prefer stickers over magnets, pins, and patches so I’ll be dropping some of these treats off at little free libraries near me soon!

Thanks for reading!
There appear to be a few boxes left on Etsy! Snag yours before they’re gone!
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