I am so excited to be posting this interview today! Many thanks to L.M. Schukraft for taking the time to write up responses to my questions. Especially because at the time that I asked if she’d be interested in doing an interview, she was still recovering from a sprained rib!
Let’s jump into the interview!
Interview with L.M. Schukraft, author of Even Halos Can Be Crooked, Dead Princess Walking, and more!

Who is L.M. Schukraft?
The dreaded bio question! These make my muse run and hide. She’s no help right now. I tell you – she let out a little scared squeak and is hiding in the corner, shaking.
I’m an indie published writer with three active series that are just getting started. I’m a mom, a writer, and an artist. I’ve graduated with a degree in English Creative Writing (I really wanted to be in the publishing industry in some way but I found out I like writing more than the idea of editing others work). I’ve had a lot of odd jobs here and there that had absolutely very little to do with my degrees. I’m known to get lost in projects, can be tempted by most anything mint flavored, and constantly will support the idea of paid rainy days off to cuddle up with a good book.
What is your first memory of writing for fun?
Oh, boy. There are a few. I think my first memory was of drawing a picture book story about an unlikely friendship between a squirrel and a bird. For some reason, my early works usually wound up being tragedies and one of the characters did not survive. I might actually have that still.
Then there was the time I answered an essay question about overcoming a loss/obstacle by writing it in first person as though I’d lost my sight and somehow managed to find joy in painting again. I was positive I was going to flunk that test seeing as how in the world would I have been writing the answer if I was blind. I’m pretty sure that I was supposed to write the answer about me, too. (Psst…I passed, don’t ask me how.)
Another test essay question was about who would I want to interview dead or alive and I picked God.
I think one of my more favorite short stories was the Aroma and Damien myth I created in high school.
There is hidden in my closet (hopefully it still is) a historical romance I started in high school about a rather clumsy regency maiden asking a rake to ruin her because she has no interest in getting married.
How many books have you written?
Four and a half, plus one collection of short stories and poetry. (Not including the historical romance I abandoned or the children’s picture book waiting to be completed).
What are some of your other interests outside of writing?
Hmm, before having a child, I used to love going out dancing. It was the best exercise for me. I also enjoyed playing darts or pool. Something I’ve been most my life is artistic. I’m constantly trying different craft ideas: Painting, drawing, ink, wood burning, CG, 3D, now designing my book covers, book trailers, character sheets, and website images. I would love a Photoshop subscription. I could get lost for days playing with the possibilities.
I dabbled in sewing/fashion design as well. I have absolutely no training but I’ve got a closet full of patchwork circle skirts, dresses, skirts, and some shirts I’ve designed that I love.
Reading! Reading is what developed into me wanting to write. Having a child has definitely altered how often I get to do any of this but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Teaching him to read and write is amazing!
Are you also a reader?
A rather picky one, but, yes.
What genres do you reach for the most?
I’m a paranormal mystery buff. I also enjoy Historical Romances, cozy mysteries, and sci-fi fantasy.
Do you have an all time favorite book or author?
That is a hard thing to narrow down. I have a few books I will happily reread while I’m waiting for my favorite authors to write their next novel but an all time favorite… can I have 5 or so?
Um, Gimmie a Kiss by Christopher Pike, Whitney, My Love by Judith McNaught, Fistful of Charms by Kim Harrison, Bloody Bones by Laurell K. Hamilton, Once a Princess by Johanna Lindsey.
I’d like to add an honorable mention to Fatal Fortune by Victoria Laurie, too. (And High Tide by Jude Deveraux – I love this romance mystery adventure!)
Book Related Questions
Dead Princess Walking is a wonderful twist on the classic tale of Snow White. How did your writing process for this novel compare to that of your other works so far?
Dead Princess Walking jumped in and demanded to be written. Like completely knocked Desmin back and said, “My turn!”. I had a lot of fun writing this tale. The characters, the suspense, the freedom of taking something and changing it so much with so many possibilities was a joy. The word play and humor along with not following the expectations of the classic tale allowed me to create a fantastic world of believable characters.
I did a lot more research for Dead Princess Walking than I had for my other two novels. I needed to come up with names for Seven Kingdoms, a unique name for Fae leaders, different Fae creatures and their powers – I’m sure there will be more I’ll need to research as the series continues.
I also didn’t have to decide what my main character would look like or pick a name for her which was a relief. It’s stressful picking the right look and name!
I chose to have shorter chapter’s and that helped maintain the underlying suspense that carried throughout the story.
The characters in your books really come to life! They’re some of the most memorable characters that I have ever read. Where do you pull the inspiration from when creating your characters?
Awwww, thank you so much! That’s the best compliment I could ever wish for!! It’s exactly what I dream for my characters – for them to be remembered; to have fans that want to read more about them!
I draw my inspiration from characters I’ve loved in books I’ve read or movies, or TV shows I’ve seen. Some are inspired from real-life experiences as well. Some are a combo of all of that. When I write, it’s like a movie playing in my head. I see the characters and write what they are saying or doing as the movie plays. I’ve had characters completely throw the story-line in a different direction and that’s both thrilling and terrifying at once but it makes for page turning tales when that happens.
You have an Associate’s degree in Biological Sciences. Have you considered writing a book that plays more into that subject area?
There is a Crooked Halos book that will have that come into play. I actually had this idea for a mystery before but never got more than a few sentences written.
When there’s a death or murder in my area, sometimes I get inspired to write a mystery about them. My imagination will start thinking of different nefarious ways the murder happened and how it can be tied to something bigger than what the news was reporting.
Just one last question; Where can readers find you?
I can be found on Facebook, Amazon, Goodreads, Twitter, my author page, and my woefully neglected Instagram.
Thanks for reading!
Thank you again to L.M. Schukraft for taking the time to answer these questions!
Additional Reading:
Feel free to also check out my reviews of her work below:
Excellent interview. L.M. Schukraft sounds like a fascinating, fun person, and Dead Princess Walking sounds like a fun book!
For sure!! I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to chat with her here and there about movies and such. She’s so awesome!
Great interview. I’m going to have to check out some of these books. Looks like I read some of the same genres. Lots of interesting stuff here and thanks for introducing me to some new books!
Wahoo! Enjoy!! 🙂 They’re all so funny and so so so good!