In January I finally got to one of the honest reviews that had been sitting in my queue, and that amazing book kicked off quite the readathon! I just could not step away from the amazing work by Shana Frost!
I’m thrilled to be hosting an interview with Shana today.
Let’s dive in!
Interview with Shana Frost, author of the Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Series & more!

Who is Shana Frost:
Are you looking to solve murders? Perfect, Shana loves plotting them.
As a debut writer, Shana Frost is in her secret den hatching murders and having a blast with Aileen, Callan and the gang. It’s crazy in there…
When not in the den, Shana always has her nose buried between the pages of a fiction novel. After all, the tantalising aroma of a story is far more enticing, especially for a sensitive nose like hers.
Shana’s powerful sense of smell has helped her sniff out fictional murder mysteries and a wide variety of characters.
Occasionally, she finds herself wandering ancient hallways of a castle, or a museum trying to smell the tales these walls effuse.
The traveller Ibn Battuta wasn’t wrong when he wrote, “Travelling – It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller”
What is your first memory of writing for fun?
Oh gosh! It’s hard to recall the first memory I have of writing for fun. But I do remember my teacher reporting to my shocked yet amused parents that my stories are repetitive ie. I would write the same sentence in different ways over and over again. Aged 6 my english skills sucked (English is not my first language) but that didn’t deter me. I wrote stories, poems, songs and I got better with time (I hope!). Being an introvert, writing has been my go-to when I’ve been sad, confused or too happy.
The first time I actually wrote a story to completion was in 2020. I loved bringing those characters to life so much so it inspired me to build the world of Aileen and Callan. That first story might never be published, but it propelled me to write fiction.
How many books or short stories have you written?
Formally, I have written five novels and a novella. Hidden in the dark depths of my computer harddrive, though, are far too many unfinished novels, poems and embarrassing essays. I have always had story ideas floating around in my head. Sometimes, rarely, I used to scribble some of these ideas in one of my journals but I never took the time to flesh them out. Those ideas will never see the light of day… Ever. But they gave me a foundation to work on.
What are some of your other interests outside of writing?
My interests inspire me to write. When I hit a wall, I turn to reading other works of fiction. If the murder mysteries get too gloomy, romance is my medicine. If I need to breathe, my happy place is in any castle, palace or museum oozing with history. As my author bio says, I hear those ancient architectural marvels whisper to me; they ignite the creative side of my brain.
Are you also a reader?
Oh yes, I love fiction. The reader in me rears her head especially around exam time. I can read anything as long as it’s not academic books!
When stress levels aren’t as high, I find respite in romance, romantic suspense, mysteries… Any unputdownable thrilling read with real characters. The more diverse the characters, the better.
What genres do you reach for the most?
Romance, mystery with romance… anything that has real, diverse characters who shine through the prose. I think I’m a character-centric reader.
Do you have an all time favorite book or author?
I don’t have favourites. I love the brand-new adventure every new book has to offer. I sometimes re-read fiction novels, wanting to hang out with those characters. I do have a few go-to authors who I stick to when I really want to read something specific. I pick one author and read as many of their novels as I can before I go looking for other authors.
Book Related Questions
In your bio, you mention that you always have your nose in a book. I have had my nose in your books all week long! I just could not stop reading them! So of course, I have to ask… You have book five of the Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries series coming out this summer. Do you have plans to keep going with this series? Can you give us a hint at what these two will be getting up to?
Oooh, I’m as enamoured with them as you are! Aileen and Callan are those people who annoy you to death yet you can’t help but love them. So, yes, there will be more books after the fifth one. Their romance has to grow and Siobhan must get what she wants, like she always does…
This fifth novel has been a tough one for Aileen and Callan. For all the trouble they put me in, it’s satisfying for me to make the mystery as hard as I can for them! ‘When Old Fires Ignite’ takes Aileen and Callan on an unprecedented adventure. It’s risky, a wee bit emotional and I hope, as unputdownable as it can be. That’s all I can say…
Other than denying his growing feelings toward Aileen, Callan is always so refreshingly honest. Did you have someone that you modeled Callan after?
Callan is honest when pushed, and I have to grovel, threaten and beg him to tell me more every time I write his scenes. He developed very gradually, unexpectedly and there is no one like him in ‘real’ life. I like to think he’s real given the amount of time I spend with him, talking to him, thinking about him…
When I first met Callan, he held a lot of cards close to his chest. He hasn’t disclosed all of himself yet, but everything he tells me always catches me unawares. And Book 5 has him disclose a HUGE secret…
Aileen mentions her self-doubt a few times over the course of the series. This is something that I think many readers and writers alike can relate to, especially when starting something new, like a novel! Do you have any tips you’d like to share with people that may be struggling with similar nagging self-doubt?
I struggle with self-doubt a lot. Recently, I read a book titled ‘Artist’s Way’. It’s famous and I think of it as a lifesaver. It’s a tool every artist must have. In there, author Julia Cameron, speaks of morning pages. It’s one of the best ways to face the doubt head on. Your inner voice might not shut up, but you’ve got another line of defence against it. I recommend everyone who wants to feel joy and creativity in their lives to read that book.
Just one last question; Where can readers find you?
I love to speak to readers via email. Please feel free to email me at shana@shanafrost.com to talk about books, characters, Scotland or book recommendations!
My web address is www.shanafrost.com. And I’m on Goodreads, but hang out more on Bookbub. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Related Reading:
- When Murder Comes Home (Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Book 1) by Shana Frost
- When Wilt Thou Die (Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Novella) by Shana Frost
- When Eyes Don’t Lie (Aileen and Callen Murder Mysteries Book 2) by Shana Frost
- When Birds Fall Silent (Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Book 3) by Shana Frost
- When Red Mist Rises (Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries Book 4) by Shana Frost
- Smokes of Death Beer (Banerjee and Muller Mystery Series Book 1) by Shana Frost
I always love a good author interview, thank you for the introduction to Shana Frost and her Aileen and Callan Murder Mysteries series. I’m away to check them out now.
Of course! I hope you snag one of the books! They’re SO much fun!