It Looks Like Dad by J. Krawczyk is a tale of doppelgängers, parallel worlds, and danger.
Are you ready to learn more about this amazing sci-fi horror tale?!
Let’s dive in!
My Thoughts on It Looks Like Dad by J. Krawczyk
Getting a call to come to pick up her husband at a police station, Kaitlin is confused. She thought her husband was still away for work. When she gets there, she is shocked to find someone that looks very similar to her husband, but she knows it is not him.
Without any other ideas, she takes the man back to her home and locks him in their guest house until she can figure out what to do. The next morning, the action begins… and from there, it’s a full-on terrifying sprint to the end!
I had so much fun reading this book. I kept trying to figure out what was going on but kept getting thrown off there for a minute. Once everything started to click into place, I couldn’t wait to see how things would turn out!
The characters were all amazing! Every single one of them was an absolute treat to follow as the story progressed. I especially loved Rudy, which was not the character I thought I would enjoy!
The humor and witty banter here also had me cracking up, which was a nice pairing with the action and bloodshed. There were even bits of grief. Phew, this book covered so much!
My Favorite Passages from It Looks Like Dad
“It’s going to sound insane.”
“How insane?” Kaitlin asked. At this point, she felt she had excavated the enthusiasm from the early days of her social working career.
“So, like a Soap Opera level of absurd, then. Conjoined evil twin separated at birth?”
Rudy snuck into the passenger’s seat. He informally clicked toward Rob. Rob looked over to Rudy, who was handing him an orange-dusted curl with his pincer. “Thanks, man,” Rob said as the two shared a stolen bag of gas station junk food.
At the sight of Rudy, Constance leaped away and rolled down a hill. Lost by the bludgeoning partnership of gravity and ground, a briar patch caught her.
Rob made a noise. He didn’t cry, nor did he scream. He had to encapsulate a lifetime of bereavement into a single breath. This was not the environment for grieving.
My Final Thoughts on It Looks Like Dad
I’m seriously obsessed with this tale! It was like reading while walking through a fun house; I was never quite sure what I was looking at, but I knew the path would become clear soon enough.
This is a book I would highly recommend to fans of sci-fi horror!
What a great first book to publish for the Little Ghosts publishing house! I cannot wait to read the next book they publish! And how cute is this little ghost on the last page?!

Thanks for reading!
And shout out to the Little Ghosts team for sending a signed copy in the April Little Ghosts subscription!

This is wonderful to read.
Thank you so much. It means a lot.
Of course! Can’t wait to see what you do next! 🙂