Kicking off the new year strong, I was able to read eight books, listen to one book on audio, and spend a ton of time with my little dude before returning to work at the end of the month!
For my reading update for January, I discovered that NetGalley had a phone app! This made reading super convenient when I was holding the baby during his naps. So I went a little bananas requesting ARCs and read through each one! It felt amazing to be getting some solid reading in, even if I could only read in short spurts.
I later discovered that Kindle has a similar app. In February, I am looking forward to catching up on some reading and reviews I still need to get to from last year.
This month I also slightly tweaked my logo. In 2024, one of my goals is to get it redesigned to be more horror-themed to attempt to make it more clear that I mainly review horror as I keep getting requests for genres I don’t really touch. But for now, I just removed the purple background of it. I also created a new blog banner that I’ll likely be messing around with again soon. Feel free to let me know what you all think! 🙂
On a personal note, this month held one major challenge – weaning off breast pumping. Shout out to all the superhero parents who can keep up with that process! My body just wasn’t having it from the start, and I kept forcing it even when everyone was telling me I should stop… so of course my mental health began to tank. Now that I’ve made it to the other side, I feel SO much better. For the first time, I can enjoy my time with the little dude without being in a debilitating amount of pain.
Let’s dive into the rest of my recap!
My January 2024 Recap –
- Elogona by Samantha Kolesnik
- Eynhallow by Tim McGregor
- Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes
- Kosa by John Durgin
- On a Clear Day, You Can See Block Island by Gage Greenwood
- The Demon of Devil’s Cavern by Brennan LaFaro
- The Horror Collection: Sci-Fi Edition presented by KJK Publishing
- Those Who Dwell in Mordenhyrst Hall by Catherine Cavendish
- What Feasts at Night (Sworn Soldier #2) by T. Kingfisher, Narrated by Avi Roque
Other Posts:
- My 2023 Reading Stats
- Little Ghosts Unboxing | November 2023
- My Favorite Book Quotes from 2023
- My Seventh Year Blogiversary!
- 2023 Highlights
- December 2023 | Recap
Monthly bookish-haul:
This year, we’re trying to cut way down on spending for a while as my husband has opted to be a stay-at-home Dad until the little man gets into daycare (we were on the waitlist for January, but that unfortunately didn’t work out). I hope this will also help me read more of what I have purchased but haven’t yet read on my shelves. I have SO many books from the Merrimack Valley Book Fest I still need to get to! So hopefully this section is light throughout the year! 🙂 We shall see!

This month’s haul included:
- Inside the Devil’s Nest by John Durgin – Special Edition – I just had to get this one. LOOK AT THAT COVER! I’m so excited that I was able to snag this.
- Polyphemus by Zachary Ashford – This came in from my Little Ghosts subscription box!
- Candy Cain Kills by Brian McAuley – This was a Christmas gift from my husband that arrived a bit late.
My favorite book photo this month:

Thanks for reading!
Ohh that’s great news!! I didn’t knew about netgalley’s app either.. not that I actually use it, but that’s good to know.
No more book bought sure might be tough, but hey good news is you got plenty! ☺️ (and remember Netgalley is also free! 👀) – have a good month xx
Right?! I’m all for more reading time in whatever form possible, so finding that app was a treat! 🙂
Have a good month as well! <3