Many thanks to Joyce at The Paperback Princess, Evelina at Avalinah’s Books, and El at Exclusory for nominating me this year! Please take a minute to check out their lovely blogs when you have time.
Haven’t heard about the Liebster Awards? No worries, neither had I until Joyce first tagged me! Apparently my computer hasn’t either! “Liebster” keeps getting autocorrected to “Lobster.” Fitting, for this Mainer…. π
Here are the rules:
- Thank the person who has nominated you for the award.
- Answer the 11 questions the person has asked you
- Nominate up to 11 people
- Ask the people who you have nominated 11 questions
Liebster Awards: Discover New Blogs
Questions from Joyce:
1. What is your favourite genre?
2. Who is your favourite villain?
Negan from The Walking Dead. I both love and hate this man.
3. If you could be a character from a book, who would it be & why?
I would love to be Annie from the Magic Tree House series. As a kid, I loved reading about all the adventures that Annie and Jack went on. And how cool was the whole premise of the book?! These kids found a treehouse full of books that could transport them to other times and places. Incredible!
4. Who is your favourite author?
Michael Crichton.
5. What are you currently reading? And are you liking it so far?
I am currently reading The End Diary by R.A. Desilets as an honest review exchange. Though it isn’t one of my favorite genres (YA Contemporary), I am enjoying it! I’m about 80% through the ebook, so I hope to have a review up tomorrow.
6. Which genre do you absolutely hate?
Erotica. I just cannot read books of this genre. I gave it a try this winter…and the sex scene made me physically ill. Perhaps I will give this genre another try in a a couple of decades… but for now it’s just not for me.
7. How do you organize your books on your bookshelf?
Right now I don’t have actual shelves, so they are all over the place. Someday, when I DO have a couple of nice shelves, I want to organize by author.
8. What are your bookish pet peeves?
Oh, I have many… I actually did a full post about it: 10 Things In The Book World That I Am Tired Of.
9. Which do you prefer: Hardcover, Paperback or ebook?
I’m all over the place! To purchase for my shelves, I tend to prefer hardcover, but I own plenty of paperbacks as well. For ease of reading, I prefer ebook because many times I will bring my book to the gym with me, or read while I am preparing dinner. Though for honest reviews and most blogging in general, I prefer a physical copy so I can take a photo of the cover art. The only form of book that I try to avoid is the mass-produced paperback; I just don’t like the size of the quality of these books.
10. Have you ever bought a book without reading the description?
Oh yes! I used to do that all the time when my parents were the ones paying for my books in middle school. But once I started paying for my own books, I stopped doing that. Too risky! π
11. Where is your favourite place to read?
I absolutely love reading outside during warm spring/summer weather or the crisp fall air. I cannot wait to have a nice back patio to sit on with my iced tea without worrying about someone lighting up a cigarette three feet away from me (oh the joys of living in a townhouse…).
Questions from Evelina:
1. What got you into blogging? Tell me the backstory!
I still remember the very first book review I wrote for school. I loved having my thoughts about the book down on paper that I could review later. For a long time, I kept a reading journal with all of my book reviews. This habit fell away in high school and college. But once I graduated college, I decided I wanted to start writing up short book reviews. Eventually this grew into this blog! π
2. How long have you been blogging now?
Almost one year here on blogger!
3. Your life before blogging and after β differences?
I originally started blogging just to have a little something to do with my reading hobby. I’m still so blown away at all the lovely things that have happened over the course of the last year. I’ve become friends with SO many amazing people; fellow bloggers and readers, publishers, authors…
4. What are your favorite genres and why?
Horror/Thriller/Suspense are my top favorites! I’m also a total sucker for graphic novels and comics!
5. Recommend three books β one for three different genres you like.
Prey by Michael Crichton (Sci-Fi)
A List of Cages by Robin Roe (Young Adult)
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon (Suspense)
6. Do you read non-fiction? If you do, why? If you donβt β why?
Occasionally, yes! I enjoy true stories, but I need them to keep my interest. If the non-fiction book is too dry, I’ll bail.
7. Whatβs your favorite non-fiction book?
On Living by Kerry Egan
8. Do you read in other languages?
No π
9. What do your IRL friends think about you blogging? Do they even know?
Quite a few do and many of them think it’s pretty neat. Some aren’t readers, so they don’t really care.
10. Do you ever see yourself not being a blogger anymore?
Sometimes I worry that I am going to burn out. I blog a LOT. But one thing I learned this year was not to stress about posting daily and to just go with the flow without putting too much pressure on myself. One key change I made was only accepting 2-3 honest review books per month. That really helped decrease the stress!
11. Worst thing youβve ever done to a book?
I once accidentally put a book in the washing machine… It was a really small one that had been in my overnight bag. When I dumped my clothes in, the book went with it. Oops!
Questions from El:
1. What is your favourite food?
I’ve been on a caesar salad kick lately. But I’m also a total sucker for mozzarella sticks when they’re done right.
2. What is your favourite post that you have written?
My Trip To The Book Barn in Niantic, Connecticut. Not only was this trip incredibly fun, it was also awesome to come back home, write all about it, and then share it on my blog.
3. In your opinion, what is the best Christmas movie?
The Year Without a Santa Claus, the 1974 Christmas stop motion animated television special. It just doesn’t feel like Christmas to me until I re-watch this film.
4. Do you prefer movies, books or both?
5. Best book you have ever read and why?
Oh my gosh… this is such a tricky one! My mind immediately went to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, just because of all the warm and fuzzy reading memories it brings up.
My Nominees (IF you would like to participate!)
Lauren Stoolfire of Always Me
AmyNikita of A Magical World of Words
Erica Watkins of The Literary Apothecary
My Questions (copy & paste these into your post to answer)
1. Who is your all time favorite author?
2. Does a particular color of book cover draw you in?
3. Do you ever read comics or graphic novels?
4. Do you have a summertime go-to drink to enjoy while reading? If so, what is it?
5. What is your favorite type of blog post to write (book review, weekly meme, book tag, list, et cetera.)?
6. Do you publish a review on your blog for every book you read?
7. Do you use a local library? If so, how often?
8. What are your book cover design pet peeves?
9. Do you ever DNF books, or do you always push through?
10. Who is the one blogger that you love to get new post notifications from the most?
11. What book would you recommend to the person that nominated you (or people, if you were nominated more than once)?
Thanks for reading!
I hope all of my nominees enjoy the questions I have asked! Can’t wait to see your posts if you choose to participate!
Your answers are so awesome, I love them! And thanks so much for tagging me π I'll try do the post next week, and I'll let you know when it goes up. Thanks!
Have a lovely week π
Of course! I can't wait to see your answers! π
I enjoyed reading your answers, Erica! I am all over the place when it comes to the types of books I read too. Like you, I prefer hardback and trade paperbacks for my shelves, and e-books for the convenience of reading anywhere. I have quite a few mass market paperback books, but they aren't my favorite format. Negan is probably my favorite villian too. π Thanks for sharing, Erica. It was nice to get to know you a bit better.
Thanks so much for stopping by! π
Gah that erotica book was god awful. How did we get through it?! Great answers E!
It still makes me queasy.
Congrats on the nomination. LOL I got nominated too.
I love that you watch TWD and Negan is a great villian to love to hate π
Have you tried the graphic novels? They are excellent!
I don't think I have tried erotica- some of the paranormal romance book that I have tried have had some of it and it just bored me to tears! So I don't think I will be looking into that any time ever.
Dinh@Arlene's Book Club
Thanks, and ha! I saw that you were also tagged by Joyce after I created my tag list… I was like, OH SHOOT! She beat me to to! I can't nominate Dinh twice!
I have read the first five Walking Dead graphic novels, but I own all of them so far. I cannot wait to binge read them this summer! Did you know there is also a novel series by Robert Kirkman and Jay Bonansinga? They are excellent as well! I would highly recommend them! π
Thanks very much for the nomination, Erica! I totally feel you on Negan!! Check out my answers here.
Of course!! Thank you for taking part! I will check out your post right now!
I am not a fan of romance or erotica either. Gag. π
Right?! I just can't deal with it. lol
Hahaha, the Lobster award? XD that's good.
Lol I also can't read erotica or anything like that π
Oh, I didn't know you were only blogging pretty much as long as I have! π
haha! It makes me chuckle every time! And oh!! That's so cool! I'm so glad we're blogging buddies!