I can’t believe it’s already been a week since meeting Paul Tremblay at a book launch event for his latest book, The Beast You Are. Of course, as this was hosted by Water Street Bookstore, it was an amazing event!
Let’s dive in!
Meeting Paul Tremblay at Water Street Bookstore in Exeter, NH –
I was so nervous that I was going to miss this event as I had my open-house baby shower the same day. My husband and I were up late preparing the night before, we were up early to set up, we hosted from 10-2, and then we went into cleaning mode until I had to leave to make it to the event on time. Needless to say, I was exhausted, but I’m SO glad I made it out, swollen feet and all!
When I got to Exeter and drove past the shop to park, I got a spot that was beyond perfect. I couldn’t have asked for a better spot as it was right outside the shop! I usually don’t mind walking, but this time, I was incredibly grateful that I didn’t have to.

I typically would have wandered the shop to see what else I could find, but this pregnant person needed to sit down immediately. I went right to the counter to pick up my preorder and grabbed a seat to wait for the event to begin.
While waiting, I got to say hello to author Gregory Bastianelli who I had first met at the book tour for his book Snowball at this same location back in 2020. I also got to chat with author John Durgin who had been sitting right behind me. He introduced me to author Gage Greenwood as well, and you bet I went home and snagged one of his books immediately after John raved about it!
The first hour held a book discussion and a Q&A which was such a blast! Joe Hill was there to interview Paul Tremblay, and boy were the questions he asked awesome! There was so much laughter and so many interesting tangents. I wish this had been recorded so I could go re-live it!

After the chat, the audience worked together to fold and stack our chairs to get them out of the way so we could line up for the book signing. Shout-out to the gentleman that very quickly snagged my chair and took care of it for me! That was too kind!
While waiting in line, I chatted more with John and Gage. I also got to meet author Mike Sullivan in person when he walked up and asked if I was who he thought I was as he follows my blog/socials (thank you again, Mike, for introducing yourself!). I’m the worst with names and faces, so if anyone ever sees me out and about, please feel free to say hello!
By the time we made it to the front of the line, I was so excited to be able to snag some photos of these two meeting the authors. Not the best photos, but seeing their excitement to meet Joe and Paul was so energizing! Of course, they got much better photos with the authors facing the camera as well.
I, unfortunately, missed my chance to chat with Joe Hill this time, but I was okay with that as I had the chance to meet him twice before, once at Gibson’s and once at The Bookery.
Meeting Paul Tremblay was absolutely lovely. He’s so kind and friendly! I also couldn’t help myself, I had to note that I know his biggest fan, George! 🙂

Paul signed my copy of The Beast You Are that I picked up at the event as well as a copy of The Cabin at the End of the World I had previously purchased. I’m so excited to read both of these books!

After I left the line, John Durgin and I stopped to chat with Michael Clark who was still waiting in line. We stayed for a while, catching up, until I started to fade and had to excuse myself so I could drive back home.
An all-around wonderful event! Not only was meeting and celebrating Paul Tremblay a blast but getting to chat with all of the authors I knew that were there was just so darn cool. These events are feeling more and more like friend meetups and I absolutely love it.
I’m going to be a bit sad if this is the last bookish event I make it to before the baby arrives, but if it is my last one for a while, it sure was one to remember!
Thanks for reading!
If you’re ever in the Exeter, NH area, I highly recommend popping into the shop! Feel free to visit the Water Street Bookstore website here and perhaps pick up a book or two by Paul.
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