This was the second year that I tracked my reading using a Google Sheet and I am absolutely loving this process.
In 2019, my reading was all over the place. Click here to check out my 2019 survey if you’d like!
This year, I definitely took a sharp turn to focus mainly on my favorite genre, horror.
Note: The template that I used was create by Brock Roberts. After stumbling across this amazing template, I decided to hide a few of the columns that I personally wasn’t interested in tracking. Even so, that left me with a TON of stats!
Let’s dive in!
My 2020 Book Survey

I was not at all surprised to see horror as the main genre for 2020, coming in at 78.6%. I was a bit surprised to see that Sci-Fi was at 4.5%, it’s not much, but that’s definitely a genre I really struggle with and thought I had moved away from.
The category I would like to see increase in 2021 is definitely Non-Fiction and Self Help, which was my goal of 2020 as well.

I love seeing this category! While most of my reading is still physical form, the ebooks still make up a fair share of my reading as well! I totally forgot to track the audiobooks that I listened to though. I need to make sure to do that in 2021!
This year, I changed this category up a bit to make it a little specific. I moved away from just ARC and Uncorrected Proofs added categories for;
Uncorrected Proof – Physical
Uncorrected Proof – Digital
ARC – Digital
ARC – Physical
But unfortunately I totally forgot that I had split out the uncorrected proofs and merged them all into the ARC category. I think I’ll stick with just using the ARC tags for 2021.

For Physical books I was at 59.5% and for Digital books, I hit 40.5%. I STILL need to get around to upgrading my Kindle to better show off the ebooks I’m reading! Maybe for 2021 🙂

While I read 73% of novels, I loved seeing that my short stories (6.3%) and novellas (17.5%) are improving. I definitely want to read more shorts and novellas in 2021!

Page length is always an interesting chart to see for me! This year, most of what I read was in the 100-199 page range. I know that I have still been avoiding some of the longer books on my TBR. We’ll see if I dive into them in 2021 now that I’ll have a bit more time after putting in my notice at one of my jobs.

I wanted to keep up with new releases, and I sure made that happen this year as a huge chunk of my reading was all from 2020!

I wanted to DNF more freely in 2020, but as it turns out, I just picked up some REALLY good books! I only DNFed two books.

So speaking of the really good books I read this year… We have ratings of three stars and up! This is INSANE to me, especially paired with the fact that I only DNFed two books… Click here to see my list of all my 5 star reads both from 2020, and from my backlist!

My books completed by month chart is interesting! I read the most books in March, October, and December. March is VERY surprising to me because work was absolutely insane with COVID hitting hard across the US. I was putting in a lot of unpaid overtime to keep my head above water there, so I thought for sure my stats for reading would be lower.

This book status charts will forever blow my mind. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has sent me things to read. I’m so darn grateful! While this was a crazy year, I really loved being able to purchase books directly from many authors who also took the time to sign them for me. I would love to do more of that in 2021!

When it comes to purchases, I really want to see that Amazon stat drop in comparison to the others. Unfortunately, many self published books, especially the ebooks, that I snagged are only available on Amazon.

This publisher chart is SO PRETTY! Look at all of those entries! There’s one entry in there that you will not be seeing in 2021… I love seeing that the self published section is the biggest, coming in at 13.8%! Some of the publishers here are owned by the author as well, like KJK Publishing and Michael Clark Books.
Next up, I usually have a section on Acquisitions… but I totally dropped the ball here and didn’t track this data. The only data that I had was for what I actually read this year, which showed 35.7% purchased and 64.3% free. Thank you again to everyone that sent me books and comics to read!

Thanks for reading!
What stats do you track year over year? Are there any stats you’d be interested in seeing me track in 2021? I know I definitely want to see my acquisition stats again.
If you’ve created a post like this, I would love to take a look! Feel free to add your links below!
I love using a spreadsheet to track my reading. Seeing it in charts like this makes it really interesting.
Wow this looks like a great reading year!! I love the charts 😍 Good luck with your reading in 2021!
Thank you! <3
Love looking at reading stats! Great year!
Thanks for popping by! 🙂
There is something just so satisfying about a good pie chart. I really need to put my stats in this format! I think mystery for me would be your horror. I think that’s about all I read this year!
Right?! I love it so much! The Story Graph platform has great charts as well! I’m looking forward to learning more about that site this year!
I’d like to read more self-help type of books this year. I find some of these fascinating, even if I don’t implement any of the ideas.
Yay for only DNFing two books last year!
I have a whole stack of self-help books that I need to get to! Fingers crossed for this year. And yes! haha I go into them hoping to at least learn ONE thing from them. If I can walk away with that, I deem it a success!
I love these stats posts! I have several spreadsheets and obsessively track my reading. I read a lot of horror last year too. It’s one of my favorite genres. I know it sounds weird, but horror helps me escape from all the stressful stuff in the real world.
I totally agree!! It’s lovely to get lost in the genre! 🙂