While my 2019 reading was all over the place, my 2020 reading took a sharp turn into horror. The same held true for 2021.
Note: The template that I used was create by Brock Roberts. After stumbling across this amazing template, I decided to hide a few of the columns that I personally wasn’t interested in tracking. Even so, that left me with a TON of stats!
Let’s dive in!
My 2021 Book Survey

85% horror! Phew! This isn’t surprising to me to see this where I really focused on catching up on my honest reviews.
The category I would like to see increase in 2022 is definitely Self Help. I have quite a few books in each of this category that I’ve been putting off, and I want to dive into them soon.

My reading format was all over the place. I love how many ARC’s I was able to read this year! The beta reads were also such an honor to take part in!

For Physical books I was at 35.9% and for Digital books, I hit 64.1%. This year I was pumped to learn about an app that I could use to overlay book covers on the photos I was taking of my Kindle, so my photos look a lot better than just displaying the book covers in black and white.

I had said that I wanted to read more shorts and novellas in 2021, and that was certainly the case! 44.7% of my reading was novels, novellas came in at 38.8%, novelettes were 9.5%, and short stories were 3.4%.

I love the page length chart! This year, most of what I read was in the 100-199 page range. This totally makes sense with my attention span and how I’ve been leaning more toward shorter works that I can try to read in one sitting.

While I worked really hard to catch up on honest review requests, I knew most of my reads were from recent years.

This year, I have only ratings of three stars and up! Click here to see my list of all my favorite reads both from 2021, and from my backlist!

I loved the books completed by month chart! I read the most books in October by far. March is surprising to me because it’s the second year in a row where my reading was lowest there. I’m curious to see if that’s the case for 2022 as well.

This book status charts will forever blow my mind. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone that has sent me things to read. With another crazy year, I really loved being able to purchase books directly from many authors who also took the time to sign them for me.

When it comes to purchases, I really want to see that Amazon stat drop in comparison to the others. Unfortunately, many self published books, especially the ebooks, that I snagged were only available on Amazon.

This publisher chart is by far the prettiest chart! I love seeing the huge chunk of self published books along with all of the small presses!
Next up, I usually have a section on Acquisitions… but again this year, I totally dropped the ball here and didn’t track this data. Hopefully next year!
Thanks for reading!
What stats do you track year over year?
If you’ve created a post like this, I would love to take a look! Feel free to add your links below!
That’s a really cool template – and that’s awesome that you read so much horror. 🙂